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He's my beast

Chapter 4 Time

Word Count: 1133    |    Released on: 13/01/2021


d not draw her attention. Instead, she remained r

d, and Mr. Wright walked into his d

d you have served your punishm

then when back to s

roperly, sleep soundly, and her mind remained stressed wi

xcellent behavior you have shown over the pa

d without any ca

olves seeing Angel. However, she did not mind getting some compensa

d as he strived to get his daughter excited wh

tell me." Snow said without looking a

oods tonight." Her mother shou


rthday gift was camping in the woods. We decided to giv

ld to me. It is everything that I ever wanted." Snow said before givin

ords have irony in them?" Mrs. W

ff ready for camp tonight. I am sure once she's outside and notices the beauty of nat

come downstairs and grab somethi

responded without moving

ed out of the room, Snow let

te while you were still angry coul

r blank phone screen before d

phone. What an old-fashione


nd giggled before getting out of


to clean up first before heading downstairs." Sh

xt month. Oh well, at least September is going to be better than

om. It did not take her much effort to find clothes and get dressed

vidence that he is one of them." Mr. Wright said to hi

but every time I see that boy, he reminds me about our last mission an

e seventeen years ago. They lost people, and we did the

do too. To be honest, that battle was too bloo

king about?" Snow asked as sh

ght hastily replied before l

weird." Snow stated, then t

eat and afterward start setting up

iam said when he entered Angel's

umbled as he stared a

mind had been awake for the longest hours, yet

William said as he sat

" Angel

plete his mission and prove to his people that he is capable

k. Your parents are proud of you as the

Angel a

arents were in their car and

amping song?" Mr. Wright asked his daughter

don't." Sn

m just going to

car window, and the cold

ght." Mr. Wright announced a few minutes

nning." Snow sai

s also admiring the

gazed at the moon from his

" Mr. William said

t are on their way to the trial woods. I guess tonight


to be like you, dad? Well, I hope you guys will rest in peace and be proud

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