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He's my beast

Chapter 3 Split

Word Count: 1161    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

in the living room, as Snow strived to hold

't be serious

t soaked with tears, and she could n

ect us and decide to stay away from that boy, thi

lt seemed to increase rapidly along with her fear

this to me." She uttere

more determined to keep Angel and Snow apart. She did not want Snow being wit

r her daughter in the future was one

work, Mrs. Wright could not allow her daughter to have any weaknesses, and she feared th

r friend. You can use this one month to meditate on your behavior and if his friendship is

s never hurt me or brought harm to me. If anything, I am the

options and words to tell her mother to make her understand that Angel was one o

y. Also, the only reason your dad and I allowed you to be friends with him was that you were young at that time. Later, you kept on re

vior. I won't cause trouble for you and dad." Snow beg

ad and I are doing this for

ou guys, and I will not quit being friends with Angel. So I

tairs and into her room, then slammed the door. She leaned aga

. William said when he h

om the person that entered the house, Mr. Will

se claws, " Angel said after he me

use like that." Mr. William replied as

not allowed to know that I can speak. You and the other elders were the ones

m to suspect us. Nobody would question a mute person, and that makes it a perfect cover for you. I am your ad

wo identities woul

and took a seat on the sofa.

lliam asked when he noticed th

plied, striving to d

fight with that


it was because o

hat his silence and his words wo

an. You can't have a mere human beating you. W

handle. Using force on him will only leave his bones broken. Also,

have with that girl because you had the trust of one member of the Wright family, which is beneficial for y

o complicated for him to handle at such a critical moment in his life. His

old dudes telling me what to do or how to go about my busines

bout to leave the living room whe

l be full, and your strength will increase. Get rid of the entire Wright

u have to get rid of the entire Wright family on that

e ignored it and kept on walking without gi

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