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The Brother

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1828    |    Released on: 20/02/2021


my reflection in the big mirror

in pale blue collared polo for women which I partnered with my bl

tting choked, I decided to lef

onytail letting some of the loos

I decided to just wear my spec

settled myself with applying just a face powder and a

means it has been three hours since my shift started and I w

e way? I thought a lot of peopl

le in front of me. This is a l

to survive for thre

who is crouched down across the


onestly, she acts exactly likes Yessa

ayed at least an hour in the restroom just to change and fix her makeup. Like Yessa, this

t returns with a smile. Despite her full make up, Natalie face exudes kindness and

you'll have a lot of shoes to fill later and you'l

caught my attention. I looked

ed. This girl s

ace as she starts roa

ed help?" I heard Natali

ah. She's pretty hu

flowers on it as a design. I don't need to check its

as sure I saw her eyes roll e

I can't help

was pretty sure I was as snobby as s

em. I was so mean, until my grandparents came

like the way I did brin

ike Grandma and Grandpa to guide h

not to talk to me?" the littl

r looked down and get a little embarrassed after being told off by a kid. To my s

p the kid but this pretty little demon disguised as an angel was really something. I wonder

at's not how you should be talking to someone that's older than you." I told the kid as I walk towards her from t

other custo

outhed, "Are you okay?" S

r and ugly people like you guys!" she said as sh

mmediately. I did not expect the kid to reall

other level. And she's

if she's just a kid. I can't tolerate that bitchy kind of attitude. No one should top my bitchi

as I walk towards her. Natalie al

ed to teach this little g

a. She's just a k

ven paying attention. She was trying to grab the last piece of

, I decided to

d her as I grab the chocolate away from her,

help b

he looks. Her face turned red and her eyes started to tear up. By th

d that first," she said,

got it

ier than how you



scaredy-cat old lady." And then she sta



u look stupid

screamed in anger.

rd last night because you look so ugly and s

an't back down to a little kid s

little mean but this g

the most beautiful

ly beautiful but yo

o you better be good. Now, I need you to apologize to m

that chocolate. That's for my brother.

you apologize."

me or I will tell my brother abou

k. If you want this chocolate, ap

cked. What's with t


face a little uncomfortable that I

started attacking me with

when she suddenly slipped and fell on the floor.

iced that she actually

and touched her. "Are you ok

ted screaming so loud and Natali

a guy. I can't see his face becau

oked back to t

d. I might as well talk to

!!!" his voice a little louder

can't talk

, while Natalie remained seated on

but I had to stop once m


where the girl's surroundings suddenly started

res were so perfect I can’t even find anything bad to point out. His lips were so red, his

n angry looking god to be exact... I

someone who looks like him can exis

God n

t did you do t

lizing that the gorgeous guy towerin

eyes wide. Oh right, he wa

I claim to be my future husba

other?" still

ace still fuming in anger

goodbye to my f

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