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The Brother

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1087    |    Released on: 20/02/2021



y eyes went


, little Park Luna here doesn't give a damn b

d popcorn and I'd be fine. Well hol

sound lik

droplets of water coming out of his disheveled hair, his face as fresh as a mint lemonade. But apart from that, what makes my body hyper

re like me will bring heaven

hird time

n his door at this time of the day to

er lives. You know, since she's supportin

is body as a few drops of water started to

mptation please. I don

at you see." his voice annoyed and sarcastic. I don’t even care if he soun

. "Absolutely." I u

Damn, that still soun

k to his face as I

distracting enough, why do I have

re there was a hint of amu

impatient, his right arm pinned on the wall while the other on the doorknob.

You know, a peace offering?" I told him

he sni

t your little sister h

ike to see him, I honestly car

is eyes glued on the other box

crispy fried chicken in hand. "I bought d

food. And a dozen isn't really too much for me as I normally

ulped. I automatically bite my bottom lip. I

so fucking s

can do this, fighting!

is man's presence was actually thi

nt to shar

ates as he looks i

rl inside. My eyes la

eful so I don't c

s. Close your mouth. You'r

in your towel. Perhaps you a

tarted on a wrong foot, which almost lead me to my early death by the way. He alm

ound out that the building adja

t him ex


to apologize to my sister. After this, you need to go

a wide luxurious living roo

s addicting scent, I can't help but follow him slightly. I was so into it that I didn't notice him

leading us both on the floor, his body on top of mine. I heard him grunt whe

rned. I think he migh

you o

sister's ankle, and now, my right wrist?"

on, are you two

, you two. Sarah

my eyes landed to the directi

nning while the other two was hugging each other with malici

e that his body was too close to mi

hard on my leg. And then I remem

y F

kling while Devon g

t have said

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