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The Brother

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 878    |    Released on: 20/02/2021


can basically hear it from the storage room." Natalie told me as I sit on chair behin

her, my br


little episode. I never meant any harm to the k

the little girl a lesson actually leads to a

ember the frustrated look on her brother's face. If I had been a

ould be. Sarah cried louder every time I try to touch her and his brother is

sister. The ambulance soon came. It was pretty chaotic and I was just so glad my grandparents did not f

t me enough to push through with this

told me to back off and stay away. I guess he really hates me. I can’t blame him though. He probably thoug

eating me since last night. I was

ave to be

think you're actually more interested into seeing her brother rather than apolo

ks turn

I asked her which she

d more than ten minutes if I wasn't really distracted b

atalie, she felt comfortable

girlfriend?" I

little girl loves her dear brother so much, I'll bet a dollar, she'll kil

nd what she said. Then s

hink he'l

d. I just l



tle flirt. Hey! I don't want to see you heartbr

ly think

ive it a try. You're so fucking beautif

e said. Way to boost

ked you the firs

ought you have

y shoulders

s but of course, she can't say she ever had a relationship. Technically speaking, the longest "fling", if that's what

platonic or if not, the farthest she had gone was

ted mind but she

end of your shift

ering for her sister? You'll need to ge

er and she smiled. I'm loving the f

y house sometimes and cook for me." I told her as I st

e, she hit my butt so

d get yourself a man!" she remarks

ird. And I lik

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