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Vampire's Love

Chapter 2 Unexpected

Word Count: 1674    |    Released on: 22/02/2021

ped to her side, "Um, excuse me," I began in

he loves to play games." I gulped loudly, she chuckled again.

htened.easy f

the door and

amused man's v

or fle

said but he just dismissed by waving hi

stomach started to rumble. I am hungry. Can this better be over soon

and a black rolling chair . To one side are all the books, files neatly arranged in

e has his back to me as he is ta

r . So, I walked towards him. I tap

t you see I am on pho

e going to do is reject me as well as you did with other girls. so, why

outh. " He said as he sat in his ch

ll get you in trouble. who said I am rejecting yo

in del

ing. you hate my kind. aren't you?

o me as I took a mome

chin, piercing eyes and perfect

n blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined, his

now twitchi

asked as I blushed at the emb

e one to ac

you. if you're not rejecting me, w

o know each other. so, I expect you to join me and my brot

" I blurted out thinking

t? " he aske

to get to know them before rejecting them? " I said as I scrunched

one of your business.

o not living here . I can't be alone with th

ill you're not harmed at any way . Then why are yo

e time being. I will give them a chance just t

smile , the other three glared and shooting daggers with their eyes. Now what did I do wrong? If anything, I am the one who extended th

er, he's mine. The other two brothers are for them. So, stay away " With that she walke

e asked me. She looks genuine and no harm in hanging out. Besides I need

the corridor of the three floor, our feet got struck on the floor no matt

uy came forward from the room that was locked from outside. With th

oung brother Joey. " He said

" There he goes again. I mentally s

show you around. " Seeing my hesitation, " I won

Though he is good to us, I can't le

hasn't done anything. She simply had her dinner while stealing glances with James. But the other girls were all over the guys and shamelessly flirting with them. They're let Joey and Alexander to drink blood from them willing

covered my face in embarrassment. I am

d me change. I already kept

. A knock on the door made me fear the worst. Elena opened

plain white T-shirt. My blonde hair was simply a mess held together with a hair clip. I did not look my best and as little

's my mistake. So, I did w

ly understand. I heard you hate my kind . But can we

agreed instantly and gave him my hand. He

David pulled his hand away and walked towards him. Alexander then pulled me closer to him. I shivered at the close proximity between us.

the guy during our "girls' night". I shoved popcorn down my throat still a little annoyed about what Alexander said and forced myself to not tell E

lena asked me for the tenth time and this time I decided to answe

"No. Too much of a pretty

I wasn't the only one deeply impacted by the guy's looks. But also worse because I was not exactly the kind of person to like someone for their looks. Also him sp

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1 Chapter 1 Ivanov palace2 Chapter 2 Unexpected3 Chapter 3 I am chosen4 Chapter 4 Dinner Disaster5 Chapter 5 Getting Caught6 Chapter 6 Punished7 Chapter 7 Mysterious guy's idea8 Chapter 8 My bracelet9 Chapter 9 Special blood10 Chapter 10 Camping11 Chapter 11 Chain trouble12 Chapter 12 Alexander's threat13 Chapter 13 His nightmare14 Chapter 14 Terry's Visit15 Chapter 15 My first kiss16 Chapter 16 Sleeping with him17 Chapter 17 Jealousy18 Chapter 19 Someone wants me19 Chapter 20 In trouble, again20 Chapter 21 I have no choice! 21 Chapter 22 He feed on me! 22 Chapter 23 You're mine! 23 Chapter 24 Escape ,really 24 Chapter 25 Mendez Quadruplets25 Chapter 26 Rebel26 Chapter 27 Played on! 27 Chapter 28 Housekeeper is a witch! 28 Chapter 29 Henry's here for me! 29 Chapter 30 Henry beaten30 Chapter 31 Day out31 Chapter 32 Who's Rihana 32 Chapter 33 Terry's back! 33 Chapter 34 Drink from me! 34 Chapter 35 Can't get her out of my mind! 35 Chapter 36 Park outing36 Chapter 37 He cares37 Chapter 38 She's back! 38 Chapter 39 Let's party! 39 Chapter 40 Drunk! 40 Chapter 41 Let me go! 41 Chapter 42 Who's playing who 42 Chapter 43 You already lost me! 43 Chapter 44 The confrontation44 Chapter 45 The same vervain chain45 Chapter 46 Caught again! 46 Chapter 47 Jealousy! 47 Chapter 48 Fed up48 Chapter 49 I choose you! 49 Chapter 50 Rihana's evil intention50 Chapter 51 It's forbidden! 51 Chapter 52 Confronting Alex! 52 Chapter 53 First time! 53 Chapter 54 You're free to go! 54 Chapter 55 Unexpected visitors55 Chapter 56 Alex is here! 56 Chapter 57 Not again! 57 Chapter 58 It's time58 Chapter 59 Truth about Rihana59 Chapter 60 It's all over60 Chapter 61 Epilogue