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Vampire's Love

Chapter 3 I am chosen

Word Count: 1584    |    Released on: 22/02/2021

than me gave into the temptations of joey and James. The vampires use them freely as their blood bags. Elena and

asped in horror and shock. The Alexander who didn't accept anyone aa his keeper before is going to finally his chosen bride.

I gave into my urge of follo

hreatened to kill my parents if I didn't oblige to hi

ately shook her head " No, he just feed of m

y for the event Uninterested. The ceremony started a

e room, I realized that I had just entered the ball room and I watched the meangirls Kristen, Hanna and Diana f

ares. I even got a few compliments and whistles but strangely enough, I didn't feel that uncomfortable. I knew that

and turn around to face a butler who was now holding out a tray

olitely and the butler nodded, his h

questioned softly, my voice barely ab

e's only around 30 unmated males, you'll hardly notice them once the ceremony starts" he sai

ooked up to face around five guys coming out off a lift. My stomach tied itself i

ceremony at such a short notice." the guy with the light b

he's so cute." I heard girls whispering to

tinued, licking his lips before darting his eyes around the room. A co

e I bumped against a random gi

g near the restroom where people were least hanging

e one I choose to be my keeper and soulmate. " Alexander said straight

How did I g

fall. I felt Alexander glare at me as I walked past him but I kept my gaze on the ground before standing in front of the crowd, next to Elena. We're both

. "Why are you crying?" With these words, half the room grew silent and I stared at him in disbelief and confusion before realizatio

rushing away my tears and I could hear whisperings surfacing aroun

as now either scowling or staring at me in disgust, undoubtedly not pl

s I watch them shaking their heads in disgust, including the girls standing

tside and I stumbled myself forward as I walked along. I could feel my hands trembling when I realized that it was non

around or slow down. Before I could open my mouth to apologize, he turned around and slammed my shoulders to the nearest wall

and I shrunk back as I pressed my back even further against the

down my cheeks as I tried to swallow in the sob but it was no use. I was almos

before I pressed my lips together into a thin line. "I chose you because I wanted to. But don't you fucking dare yo oppose. Don't test my patience!" he snapped and I

eld his wrist, hoping he would loosen his grip but instead, h

fought back the tears before nodding, my heart screaming for m

, still keeping his gaze on my eyes as I brushed away my tea

again, clutching my hands together to stop myself from trembling any further. An arm slipped around my shoulder before he guided us back to the room where ev

y hands even more tightly. "I-I was just happy and relieved that I was chosen." I lied, looking up a

er a moment of silence, everyone chuckled and n

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1 Chapter 1 Ivanov palace2 Chapter 2 Unexpected3 Chapter 3 I am chosen4 Chapter 4 Dinner Disaster5 Chapter 5 Getting Caught6 Chapter 6 Punished7 Chapter 7 Mysterious guy's idea8 Chapter 8 My bracelet9 Chapter 9 Special blood10 Chapter 10 Camping11 Chapter 11 Chain trouble12 Chapter 12 Alexander's threat13 Chapter 13 His nightmare14 Chapter 14 Terry's Visit15 Chapter 15 My first kiss16 Chapter 16 Sleeping with him17 Chapter 17 Jealousy18 Chapter 19 Someone wants me19 Chapter 20 In trouble, again20 Chapter 21 I have no choice! 21 Chapter 22 He feed on me! 22 Chapter 23 You're mine! 23 Chapter 24 Escape ,really 24 Chapter 25 Mendez Quadruplets25 Chapter 26 Rebel26 Chapter 27 Played on! 27 Chapter 28 Housekeeper is a witch! 28 Chapter 29 Henry's here for me! 29 Chapter 30 Henry beaten30 Chapter 31 Day out31 Chapter 32 Who's Rihana 32 Chapter 33 Terry's back! 33 Chapter 34 Drink from me! 34 Chapter 35 Can't get her out of my mind! 35 Chapter 36 Park outing36 Chapter 37 He cares37 Chapter 38 She's back! 38 Chapter 39 Let's party! 39 Chapter 40 Drunk! 40 Chapter 41 Let me go! 41 Chapter 42 Who's playing who 42 Chapter 43 You already lost me! 43 Chapter 44 The confrontation44 Chapter 45 The same vervain chain45 Chapter 46 Caught again! 46 Chapter 47 Jealousy! 47 Chapter 48 Fed up48 Chapter 49 I choose you! 49 Chapter 50 Rihana's evil intention50 Chapter 51 It's forbidden! 51 Chapter 52 Confronting Alex! 52 Chapter 53 First time! 53 Chapter 54 You're free to go! 54 Chapter 55 Unexpected visitors55 Chapter 56 Alex is here! 56 Chapter 57 Not again! 57 Chapter 58 It's time58 Chapter 59 Truth about Rihana59 Chapter 60 It's all over60 Chapter 61 Epilogue