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His Fiore

Chapter 9 Nine

Word Count: 2350    |    Released on: 07/03/2021

be leaving soon "When are you leaving?" She asked him and his amber eyes bore into hers "I-uh will be leav

t, he knew her Ma.Coco wouldn’t be around when he comes. She furrowed her eyebrows waiting for his reply but he didn’t talk, Instead he looked at her. "I needed to know if you were fine" He replied her and she looked at him puzzled, She found it strange the the Cactus let him in for the second time "I am fine, thank you!" She says and they stood there awkwardly looking at each other, Aurora made an attempt to speak but Elysian cut her off "I -uh should leave now!” He says and she closed her mouth , nodding slowly and he gave her a tight lipped smile, turning to leave but her next word stopped him in his track "I want to leave the Cactus!" He snapped his head towards her and looked back at the petite lady, "You want to leave here, your home?” He asked again to be sure he heard right and she nodded again "I have to leave here and look for Ma. Coco, I can feel Something is wrong, Coco has never left the Cactus and not come back the same day, Now it’s two days and I still haven’t heard anything from her. Something is wrong and I know it." She tells him and he raises his eyebrow "But you haven’t left the Cactus before, right? How do you think you would cope out there alone in the world? I told you before that the outside world is full evil, Aurora! You aren’t ready for the outside world” He tells her "I would cope however way the rest of the people cope! There are people like me out there that cope so why can’t I cope? I need to find Ma.Coco and I can’t keep staying here in the Cactus doing nothing and hoping to find her, I cannot do that! I am more than ready to go out and face the world, I want to leave the Cactus" She says, almost yelling and he sucked in a breathe "Aurora!” He attempted to persuade her further about not leaving the Cactus but he stopped, He could see that her mind was made up, She wanted to find her Coco at all cost "What do you think you would do when you go out there? Where would you stay? How would you survive? You want to look for your Coco right? Where do you start from? Do you even know where she went to?” He asked and she shifted her gaze to the floor "I don’t know all what you are asking me, all I know is that I am leaving the Cactus today, with or without your help, I know she went to see my Ma and Pa and that would be enough for me. I will survive " She says adamantly and he sighed, She really isn’t going to let this go, The outside world isn’t a place for someone as fragile as Aurora, The world would break her from her fantasy. "Aurora.." He attempts to speak again but she raises her hand, silencing him. It was unheard of, Him! Elysian! A woman silencing him! He looked at the rather petite lady and her raised hand, She was rather small compared to him, He could crush her down with his weight, He almost chuckled at her but it wasn’t the time to do that. "Fine Aurora, If you wish to leave that Cactus, so be it! But you should know you are on your own out there, No one would come to your rescue, There would be no Coco to shield you from the dangers that looms there, There would be no Ma or your Pa, It would just be YOU! and YOU alone" He says to her, Making his voice seem more deeper and thick than normal. Aurora gulped down whatever was stucked in her throat as she heard that, She would be all Alone! Surely the outside world couldn’t be that bad, right? The stories Ma.Coco got for her never said it was even bad, He was clearly just exaggerating. She looked at the rather large man standing in front of her, in the eye "I would keep that in mind, I would find Ma.Coco no matter what!" She says hoping she found a way to dismiss the Idea about her staying in the Cactus and wait for Ma.Coco in his head. Elysian could only sigh once he saw how determined she was to leave the Cactus, He could see how determined and stubborn she was, she would definitely not let the idea about her staying here in the Cactus go, If he doesn’t help her l

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