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His Fiore

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1031    |    Released on: 07/03/2021

s she got up from the bed, The smell of pancakes filled the entire air *Ma.Coco probably made Pancakes for breakfast, you see Pancakes is my

he actual world has castles and flying horses and also transporters, I would like to see all of that too.. "Ma.Coco, do you think.." I attempted to speak but she cut me off "I can't Aurora, You aren't allowed to leave the Cactus and you know that! Your Ma and Pa wouldn't allow it" "My Ma and Pa! My Ma and Pa that I have never seen? My Ma and Pa that do not care about me? I do not care about My Ma and Pa! I want to leave the Cactus, I want to go to the outside world, I want to see the castles, I want to.." "That's enough Aurora Martin, You will not be leaving the Cactus anytime soon until your Ma and Pa approves of it! I don't care how you feel, you aren't leaving the Cactus" She yells angrily at me, I could feel water at the brink of my eyes "Then I do not want your pancakes" I yelled back at her and pushed the table away, Stomping away into my room and wiping my tears angrily * I am tired of staying in the Cactus, I want to go out and be free, How can i stay here on my Ma and Pa's orders! I do not even know my Ma and Pa, so why does Ma.Coco follow their orders so much? I do not want to be here anymore "Rory! Aurora please open the door" I heard her plead and I turned sideways * I want to leave the Cactus* I wiped my tears angrily as I ignored Ma.Coco calling out my name, I could feel her getting tired "Aurora, I can't go against your Ma and Pa's orders, I am only a mere.." She stops and I waited for her to complete her sentence "I can't go against your Ma and Pa, Please understand Aurora" She says and I stood up to open the door "Why won't my Ma and Pa come

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