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Darkness Within

Chapter 5 New face

Word Count: 1486    |    Released on: 07/03/2021

aid!" I almost rolled my eyes when my

my pleasure."

e one that should have hugged me e

riend!" she yelled at me, I rolled my eyes, I pulled her h

for you!" I groaned so we l

of my Bestfriend and look

t; I was surprised when he handed me a bouquet of f

I love it." I said,

my back just to see my bestfriend, looking at me suspiciously, this ma

m sit on the sofa. I put my hair in the b

urned to Harry, I tried to s

wn eyes and hair, reddish thin l

s coming here so I took her with me." he explained. I

h you!" my bitch friend whispered s

n is real

shouted out of shoc

turned to Harry

on't mind me

her's campaign?" he

of winning, he also has Mommy with him in

teen years, he's running for senator again lik

ow's your security, have you

friend who was starting to eat the cookies lying on

ou choke

andle threats now and, I know how to save myself i

e any guard

is my drop-dead g

nd froze without s

got dressed because he ordered it! I'm done,


looked at Harry. "The

ared when you're outs

suddenly felt aw

tch friend will run out of cookies." I handed him the juice an

led genuinely and took t

ed at Paris Hilton, and frown

ll just talk to my frien

e, and stared at her. when we reached the kitchen

your p

re you here with

he did see me; he knew I w

r that he was in front of me for a long time or talking

ed to crush that?" she

h him because he'

l now ah? What is that, y

ats me well. he's handsome, but ther

l saying that? that's outside! there's a power pole over there, hug that, may

!" I g

ider web there already, you st

im before, a

ost your liking for him?" She

ed and

the problem is that you can

t really found the one

Hey, Sia. There's no such thing as the one like that of

ike them!"

d you don't have even a boyfriend? Harry is here, he likes you, he looks like he will take

the mirror on the side and blinked before winkin

d at me. "Harry is a good choice, he

eyes widened and I was slappe

odness! are you

urt me! as long as he just

ly numb." Sh

om and dad. I want to marry the man that I love, not just because I don't have any choice.

"You were born beautiful, with talent, rich, with a perfect life, perfec

a laugh an

oves you, and your child." I whined. "And you are really pr

e in front of me so we

ng me here at home? It's a good thing

oked around the house, "Have you

asked me,

y familiar face around?



rised when you find out wh

? is he handsome?" he

Just, it's amazing wh

where are yo

n the side so I wa

is Hunter?"

" She said, "Take a look at

ear older than me, so we also talked a lot, we are close and she is the one I tal

hat Icy-drop dead

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