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Darkness Within

Chapter 3 Bodyguard

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 07/03/2021

ere Paris was waiting, she screeches, congratulating

t me?! No one! I’m frowning and my brows are almost hitting each other, yes, I am

t believe he

y eyes and sighed heavily, just a few seconds, I opened my eyes, I saw from my peripheral vision how he moved closed to me, I felt his shoulder against mine, but I r

ain, I stepped aside, I looked at him, bored

e attempted to touch me again when he suddenly screamed when I pulle

d you.”

other hand like what I did to his left arm, he screamed in pain. I looked at him

arm and smacked my forehead o

eet, aiming the thing in between his

e a lunatic, but he even tried to fight back, ugh! I swirled his hand, put it on my shoulder as I used my force to slammed him forcef

the mood to fight, fucker, get lost, don't you ever show your face in me, or I'll b

as harassed! He's lucky that I'm not in the mood right now, if not, he might be

see me. I let my hair fall on my back with my smudge eyeliner and tired fa

ing my bunny slippers. I saw my father talking to some men, he's wearing a formal attire

told him to stop entering the politics anymore, but Dad said that he still has some work to do and he can't leave for a while, we let him. We are jus

me a smile. My poor Daddy, I can see his wrinkles on his forehead, he's young but stress made him look older.

. "You never get used to it, Dad, and also, I wante

you have a boyfriend, it's just you! You haven't introduced any man!" my grimace made him l

I almost shouted, good thing I controlled my tone,

ighed. "We

o defend myse

too risky, you wouldn't know if someone out there will want t

wanting to get away wit

his hand which I take, I followed his hand and my mouth f

f me. Like last night, his eyes are still cold, emotionless, and serious, there's noth

er, your bodygu

e been kidding me rig


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