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The golden Flame

Chapter 3 Restricted Library

Word Count: 1489    |    Released on: 26/03/2021


mber all about yesterday. I tri

ed. I heard my aunt is talki

e to tell her that I gone to party yesterday

rry about her, I will take

y mom?. I hid behind

ave to worry about her".she keeps on talking but I can't hear my mother's reply. I think I

ay someone dropped her outside your house.they

ce at the moment. I should have not come to hear their talk.iam an organ. I never had doubted all these years.iam abo

ard you talked wi

m okay" I lied to her

oking fine, wha

I want to talk w

ked to the open space garden. I know I needed s

y aunt talking with my m

for that, I never thought

th my aunt, but I know my mom loved

d ask about that, so you co

only thing I a

ll her.how can I tell?

e" she

time after that guy

you a

ody seen is while I am sta

you gone in b

tated to tell you"

but I believe in you.

am sad. everything

go to the library where we can find the rec

going to do

said and dragged me inside. we walked

rls, don't you have any class"

evena, we only have one day left to submit it


k you

e find the record"I

I think she is busy she

ered a room with many

all are soo dusty.selena was searching for my document sincerely but I know its difficult to fi


u find

I di

opened it and saw

what langu

it means enchante

are many powers in this world and it wil

re you concerne

told me to take this. I am

ou ser

ened to the guy who was thrown yes

his. we are talking something about p

you knew it".she nodded and took

r age is 19

of co

me read

a conflict raising among those with powers and others who are normal.it leads to many fights and at last, it leads to many death. finally one day the land was totally disappeared from the

she asked me like she re

this book with me".i took that boo

read it

y to her. I believe this book even though it sounds crazy. the day that car was about to crush me, it should have done and I would be dead. why isn't that happened? I a

hurting m

lly am

d".i let her go and watche

ee the time i

ne," she said and was a

are you

ou coming," she said

told you".i stopped walking when we reached t

our levena. she is stuck in the same place and so are the other people walking

ur librarian asked. I hesitated first and a

u but something weird is going around

ng?" I asked her, i

out, okay.iam with you Isabel". I didn't s

y in my aunt's house

y. but she isn't angry with me and I am not ready to ask further more questions instead I gone to

u ignored me

t .iam just dealing

you can te

w to tell it.you may fe

rust me

ill tell yo

w. you tell me or

r.i will tell yo

accepting I can come

.i I mean y

fine d

aside and slep

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