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The golden Flame

Chapter 10 Before 12am

Word Count: 1113    |    Released on: 26/03/2021

d when I saw in the amulet.it as to b

e you? what are yo

ss but I think this plac

re Luther

belongs to me.maybe you would have came

nd your business, this i

e lucy daughter...that's impossible" he stop


lls which help me now.now his memo

Eleanor flashes and th

ll you whatever you want to kn

really had a daughter, how can she

daughter and you know tha

dagger I took it

you dare touch this

r stupid mouth and onl

dagger still has the power to stop her and she wo

's t



ce your life. now I find you, you itself got cau

d running to reach the stairs. he stood up and dragged me aside all of a sudden. anger arrised inside me and it feels like iam burning inside. all I wanted is to ge

get out of the house. as the fire started to burn I pushed him and took the stairs. as I was running in the stai

and Damon waiting for me and tr

ear the scream of Luther in the burning hou

I saw the wolf.she's here how

ace without telling anything about thi

e to the palace without

ife I won't get

he palace before 12. I was about toran by my wolf on my side. Luther ca

nd it vanished after I got into my room.but my timing is not good b

paining like burning.it happens every time I use magic .i

t have much time to freeze the time so I took the cloth from Damon's bed.he is lying and seems like thinki

we are sleeping when someone checks on us and the thing is I gone everything within fiv

door and I wa

here it's kinda diff

ng Isabel

g ... I opened m

at are you d

iam waking you u

to knock the doo

now you got the dagger," Tyl

na scold me.do th

Eleanor knows about that but I don'

te one, think of a way. everyth

to me.i will do it". we reached the hall as the queen already knows ever

"Eleanor says.luther was standin

what, "I ask

u are going to be dead. better give it

ind me where Selena is standing.there's a

you done to her El

out respect," she said and

today, if you get it.it depends on


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