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The golden Flame

Chapter 5 New world

Word Count: 1544    |    Released on: 26/03/2021


I sc

est looks like a neverending place.its all my fault I should not have come

uted. we almost reached there pant

gonna sail this"Damon s

a pirate Damo

e now," he said and stepped into it

t sail a ship, we are g

ot.the wolf won't bother us anymore but we got another problem. lightning and thunder are

lose the hope.i will help you," I said and tried to reach him. but I c

sudden I felt like the ship passed some invisible force and there's a place visible for us.there are some people standing t



.we three got out of the ship and stuck in the same place without moving.

answer me now" a woman demanded us with fierce a

re. some creatures chased us and sai

d the enchanted forest.it n

ll the time and they emerged from

reached here.if you aren't ready to answe

final answer.you do whatever

with me. I raised my hand from the place iam standing with so much anger. like always

's lieing Regina. now

deal with her" she said a

r like my sister did.t


power came, but all I know its existence. now

d is known as utopia and its not the world where


dragged us to a castle. they lead us into the hall and there's a woman staring at h


ame from the world.your ma

ry humans, then why s

majesty.can they stay here for a

r not.they are no use to me

y don't,

why Regina lied to her. am I not having powers.this

e Regina, "the

take the other two to a room an

leaving her"

ll be fine," I said a

not hurt the

lk alone".i nodded

ain now, what

was ruled by the best king and queen until Eleanor arrives here


.i just having one doubt to ask me. you exactly looks like my sister a

ened after my 18th birthday and finds out my mom adopted me.iam an organ. as I

cial but don't ever show this in front of the queen until I fig


om nowhere after


you girl," he said a

at powers do this girl h

iam having. cant you two ju

us whatever you kno

all I know". then they both got silent. I only told them about this but I

most rare power," Tyler said without i

ind" I screamed and felt my anger all around me.i fee

e's mind.now don't hide anyt

I shouted from my throat and I lost control and there's flam

r more questions," Regina said tryin

omething but there's only fire inside and all around me

to catch her"

aid and they all standing in the same

did you?"Ty

e not. i don't want any powers and all. all I wished is extraordinary powers but now I don't f

from me,

said and slowing took my hands a

o your world," he said softly. I totally calmed down by his talk. the

n't do anything," Tyler s

n I see m

stay here for a while" he touched my ch

parents," I said with s

ver you ask".with that word he esc

gged me. when I turned back Tyler was g

u reall

s i

gone inside. the room is big with four beds. each took

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