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Jack Winters' Gridiron Chums


Word Count: 2008    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

They all chased after him, but he dodged them like everything. If the boys w

to choir meeting, and when they had a dance out in the country, she invariably went with Fred. "Well, I don't know what Fred Badger has got over Steve Mullane, or Jack Winters, or even Joel Jack

y one of the fair watchers in the tree, even though with suc

pera-glasses. I wouldn't have come only I felt so much interest in our boys this year. It's their first appearance on the gridiron, and I'm just wild to see them

Harmony would sweep the earth this year because their team had been terribly strengthened. In fact she gave me to understand that everything, even to the crepe, had been ordered for poor

was Lucy Marsh, while the last of the daring trio Jack knew to be another pretty maid, Adelaide Holliday by

you, girls?" suddenly demanded Jack, as

laughter when they discovered who the newcomers were. It was not only the boys of Chester who liked Jack Win

ently. We came to spy, and we've been spied on in turn. Well, since you've discovered us in a tree, perhaps you'd better c

ticular effort to help each girl down. When the last had

been in a scrimmage and are hardly fit for ladies' company; b

ou, didn't she? All right, Mollie, you just send her back a Roland for an Oliver; give her as good as she sent. Tell her the Chester boys are going to swamp Marshall next Saturday, just to put them in trim for the great game

from now to Thanksgiving. And let me say that I'll be meaning every word of it, too. Why, after what we've seen you boys do in practice I just feel that fellows like F

"and love to call themselves the Tigers. They think to frighten their opponents by a great ex

summer. Chester didn't seem to be afraid of being bitten by the tiger, in fact we managed to d

girl, as though she would be ready to place a good deal more dependence


n, Lucy," he went on to say. "Jack's too modest to boast, as e

se; for every fellow's grimly determined to do his level best. Victories sometimes hinge on small things, and the luck of the game may go

Hooker said this very


other two looked so wistful that Jack could not have d

the pleasure of handling. He even went on to say that if we worked as well in the Marshall game we would carry off the prize as sure as two and three make five. And let me tell you, afte

ay. Why, nearly everybody that's worth knowing at all in Chester is going over to Marshall to give the Chester salute when you come on the field. I ch

ld make himself and the other ten fellows fight all the harder to know that bright eyes were watching every move that was made; while dainty

st of teams grow careless, and show signs of disintegration. So Jack hoped the girls as well as the boys and grown- ups of the town would be with the

d. This promise both boys gladly gave, for no harm had been done; and they knew now just how earnestly the

"we've just got to beat Marshall on Saturday. Why, it'd break the hearts of those pretty girls if we failed. I really believe they'd feel it more than any of us would. And tha

r recent little adventure for the time being. They work

own; why, it's simply marvelous. If an old football man should watch some of your plays he'd swear you were anything but novices, and vow you'd done plenty of footwork l

o signify that the time for the game had expired. Whose would be high score when that minute came around was an unknown quantity; and many a Chester lad would have given

ter folks could be seen thronging the road leading to Marshall, b

morning dawned, and the fact that the sun shone from an unclouded sky, while the air was quite nipping, brought joy to th

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