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Jack Winters' Gridiron Chums


Word Count: 1799    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

open. The grandstand was already filled to overflowing, newly arrived crowds trying to find seats anywhere they could, but with small success. Those who had the af

s a rule by the swirl of waving school colors, for every Chester girl and boy who had journe

ey lacked in numbers, however, the visitors seemed able to make up for in noise. From time to time songs rang out over the field, that c

ont rank was a lively little chap who carried a tremendous megaphone. This fellow was no other than the redoubtable Packy McGraw, Chester's cheer captain, who

nd jumping up and down like a harlequin in front of the bleacher benches, start his cohort into a combined scho

filled with animation, and a desire to see one or the other of the contestin

d, every eye would be riveted upon the figures in the arena,

the players were under close surveillance, naturally much of t

m in certain mass plays, where their machine could mow down all opposition through sheer avoirdupois. But, on the other hand, it is not always given to the heaviest team to win. Speed counts for more than heft in many of the f

thing that took place. They had come over very early, just to secure these splendid seats, sacrificing their customary warm lunch,

t seat. From where they sat they could watch the two teams as they stood in clumps and chatted and laughed, doubtles

nded Lucy Marsh, upon noticing that the little girl wit

hering me," Mollie has

b Jeff

e he was needed. Remember how he played in those ball games, and with never an error. Yes, and didn't he k

eer lately. Even Fred Badger admitted that to me when I quizzed him, though he hastened to say that so far it hadn't seemed to interfere with his playing, fo

speak quite so loud, because Bob's father an

apparently. I even heard that he declined to contribute a dollar to the new gymnasium that some of the town people are building to satisfy the craving of the boys for physical exercise, saying he guessed boys

pay the first expense of fitting up the new gym, with all sorts of modern appliances, said just last night at supper that he had had a visit from Mr. Jeffries that afternoon, who asked how the subscription list was coming o

t what such things mean in a civilized, up-to-date community like Chester. Old things have passed away, it seems, and everybody wh

ame as ever to me, looking from

e'll do himself credit. Jack Winters assured me there wasn't a weak link in the chain, and when I mentioned Big Bob to him he turned a little red, and hastened to say that he would be foun

ust then, and all minor matters were allowed to rest while they wat

he battle ground on which they must struggle for supremacy, utilizing every ounce of st

t to open. The cheering died away as though by some prearranged signal; indeed, it is simply astonishing how during the progress of a game the volume of so

d up on the field they sto




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Marshall, Haldy. And while the fullback bore the ominous name of Budge, it was apparent from his bulky frame that

peak above a whisper just at that critical moment, he would ha

It was a picture never to be forgotten, and no wonder the eyes of the gathered multitude of spectators remained glued upon the motionless figures, looking like statues o

every one of the players leaping into life; and from t

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