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Jack Winters' Gridiron Chums


Word Count: 2140    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

with the captain of the Chester eleven just then, as he had a number of things he wished to do before noon

y, on the part of every member of the squad, has much to do with ultimate success or failure. Therefore, as it might turn out that victor

him across the street, "I wouldn't think any more than I could help about your father's actions. Because of your guilty conscience you can

nged. Then it would be only natural for your mother to confide her fears concerning your health to her husband. That accounts for his watching you when he thinks you're not noticing. He wonders if you are really sick, and won't own

only I could learn that, I'd feel like flying, my heart would be so light. And play, why, Jack, if such glorious news came to me right now I'd wake up those Marshall boys this afternoon, believe me. They'd think a cyclone had struck t

e was pretty much shaken up himself by the way Big Bob expressed his state of feelings. "But even if you d

said the other, simply, for

to me, is there?" asked Jack, for they

hank you a thousand times for giving me so much fresh hope, Jack. I'm going to try once more to believe that the whole nasty business will come out right.

a more contented look on his face than when he first called out to Ja

is done in all colleges, their diet restricted to certain lines of food best calculated to add to their vigor, without making them loggy. But Joe Hooker had impressed it on their minds that i

ndulging in too rich food, so that his digestion is impaired in the least, he has weakened his system; and in case the crisis of the fi

t little interview with the fullback gave him renewed confidence. The mere fact that his father had at last mustered up enough interest in boys' sports to promise to attend the game at Marshall that

ught us all he knows about the game, and he says we are going to do his coaching credit. That means he believes Chester has a fai

shown in Chester for any sports. They had seen those young gladiators from the rival towns lock horns, and struggle excitedly for supremacy upon the flat gridiron marked stretch of ground, cheering for one or the other side without prejudice, as their

t old Joe has taught us will turn to our advantage. However, it's up in the air still, and as much our game as Marshall's. The only thing I know is that we expect to fight with every ounce of strengt

not matter. Like a sensitive hunter who proceeds to soil a new suit of khaki garments which he has been compelled to buy, lest some one take him for a novice in the shooting line, so those who play football take the keenest pride in their most disreputable

Some of them looked a shade anxious, he was sorry to notice, though really that was to be expected. Jack made it his duty to try

o who hastened to back him up, realizing what a factor toward success this feeling of

quitters." And in nearly every instance they went away firmly convinced that Jack's team would give Chester no reason to be ashamed. It seemed to be in the air that great things were about to happen for the old town, s

ut that fellow that goes clean through the bunch. You know leaders like Napoleon and our own Teddy Roosevelt are born, not made. Jack is built on that plan. Other fellows who have made up their minds to dislike him, as I did at first, soon come under the magic spell of his nature, and end by believing he can do a

r, and the numerous substitutes, it did seem as though the town were deserted. Several of the mills had ev

ggy to the latest thing in seven-passenger cars. And had a stranger chanced to come upon that road he must have wondered what all the travel mea

ans, and every manner of vehicles. Such a tremendous outpouring of the people, and not young folks alone, either, had never been known bef

ttle of the young gladiators was scheduled to take place, to see a sig

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