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Mysterious Badboy Romance

Mysterious Badboy Romance


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 945    |    Released on: 05/05/2021

ng leaves in the air. The floor shook with Camile's footstep, her

e, please save me” Cried her heart. She

over to catch her breath wh

f her feet, she landed on her butt and c

nally saw him, it's him, it'

ll black, His jean, kneel length t

with a stick of cigar

gons?” He asked, grazing his

n't kill me

You shouldn't have left them, too bad, n

can change your plans, make you do that which you never planned on doing.

icked his tongu

you now” He finalized an

to gasp for breath. She sucked unto he

esult of lacking oxygen, her body became s

d out, completing his fi

one crying?” Celina Gomez's v

ocker and walked away only to be

going to let you go easily?!” S

om the school, she fell to the gro

hey chanted and threw

than Campbell in the school garden was

ppened either. If she had known, she wouldn'

t with the way her voice sounded, everyone

” They echoed and wouldn

o anything. After all, he exposed the video and even tagged her

is the sudden arrival of a guy. Damn, he was

his thin red lips looked ready to be k

d, stretching their h

floor, he walked past her to the prin

this guy, not only was he able to make the girl's s

knew with this guy, she would be able to regain

hen a hand dragged her. With a gasp she swallowed, he look

ould feel the guy's cologne ove

He excluded her

ce and he stared sternly at the

releasing herself from his grip but it wa

s brows and urged

you ask of me” She blurted, she couldn't control t

lence between them, she press

ll dumbfounded by you

se you're being bullied, you think I'll be able to save th

eed, I can save you but, can you do anything? even t

age and nodded; ”Yes, indeed. I'll do anything you ask,

g face, she watch the guy trap her between his hand, his fac

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