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Mysterious Badboy Romance

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1125    |    Released on: 05/05/2021

d of the horrible alarming sound, she

hing she had done the day before. Her eyes widened at

nd! And? I even promised to do anything

age of her stupidity. Though the guy had left her yesterday without

her heart then clutched her hand to her chest like the

g, she finally decided to avoid h

hat was her last year at school, it

heaving a loud sigh. Clutching unto her bag, she se

ong time, she can still recognize his

school without me” His voice was h

is plastered with a smirk. Though he was wearing b

wards her, she held her bag closely and ha

arms. She let out a sharp gasp a

!” She manag

riend ” he respo

ce when they saw the new guy carry Lesley. No doubt,

well as scared they would throw garbage at her again.

een eyes, she looked down and talked; ”Lesley, you're so despicable, just now, you have lied to this young

rds that came out of Celina, gently placed Les

p with your home dog and come to school every day able to show your filthy face to your horr

nted at this mysterious guy. How did he know about that? That

h the students and buzzed

r hand shivered at his slight touch. The guy suddenly appear

and help her through these bull

nd cupped her small face

e way he held her sent shivers down her spine a

cause I won't be back soon” He uttered

t her, she was holding her breath

in mess, she assured her

he was done for the day so she packed her bags and got rea

like every student had gone home b

he air but she shook the negative t

ensure she's safe, she hasn't walk halfway

fear visible on her face, without thinking, she prepared to t

to scream but a pair of palm clasp onto

She m

dark, she couldn't

y” The figure voiced, relea

led, anger evide

ked her bag off the floor barging out li

tched his hand to touch her bu

you've done to me, you're still not satisfied? Now, you want to kill m

apologized. His face curled in despair, he felt

, that's what you did!” She yel

ly held her hand and

t guy?!” He asked,

ed him off and landed

nd, if I'm dating someone, it doesn'

eping with h

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