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Mysterious Badboy Romance

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1168    |    Released on: 05/05/2021

ce, the cheek Celina had slashed. She opened her e

e, his hand still on her face. He

tire, with his chiseled jaw and fore

ned without frowning though his v

her tummy, then he held her hand

to tell me” He a

he strange guy. He smiled and quickly pulled he

is face slowly got closer to hers, tensed was her hand

s mint fresh breathe, seeme

cheeks, she enjoyed the way he rolled his t

cheeks suddenly faded,

elf smiling more around her. All this romance was for a

re both dressed in white and they held a tray

ng of her empty stomach. Since her mother's death, she doesn't eat oft

s he stood up, he walked closer to t

her presence. She looked at the tray filled with mouth watery meal,

but like that she was eating well, she's too s

didn't even know when he went

to school. There was one thing on his min

cheek. He still wants Celina to get it, n

de, not only is the guy mysterious but he is ob

at school" One of the students whisp

w happy she is with Lesley's state. She was sure that, wit

ously and applied make-up

entered, the class

s conscious at that time. Ignoring the twins' paused state,

d paused, she was so engrossed with Riven

and in his pocket, he watched

I forgive you for everything you said to me.

iling at her as he meant well. She was that st

e felt a force push her backward. She screamed and looked arou

al expression wasn't attractive anymore, rath

pause in the room. Paper balls they were thrown in the air remained stag

ng a textbook, was also stagnant,

n her face. Her palm became sweaty, she rubbed it agai

se” She

to her, she wished she could run but there

immediately, she knelt in his prese

trange and it sounded like 7 people were t

e cried, her hands clasp

l from her mouth. Her eyes closed shut, she didn't know why but

lled and held unto

lips curled in disdain. A wrinkled line formed on her head, one could se

her white shirt, it stained it so muc


ure the pain was deeper, so she wou

sed, it wasn't a joke anymore. She wailed

s out, but instead, the pain became sever

red lips fille

h slow steps. Immediately he was out, the

ore. Riven had transported her to the backya

l pain, no one shoul

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