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Chapter 2 His office

Word Count: 2054    |    Released on: 06/05/2021



dy. I quickly lowered my head to apol

efore you know it, a lot of

mething into his ears. He started moving, my fears increased when

out from the company and it loo

s! Moon goddes

? I couldn't even apolog

d around started leaving. They kept mumbling inau

tch. How can sh

istracted by that call but I don't

pid, how did she

ty f

ring up my eyes as

ill sitting

roaching me. The guy from earlier, the one

efore pulling me away to a ro

. How can you be so.....?" He paused when

resumed. You are a werewolf. I have never seen a werewolf

something but couldn

CEO has given us the permission to resume work but you weren't there with us. So much trouble o

umsy? Why am I this weak? I


CEO hasn't given me the permission to work with them and considering what I did

dropped myself on the bed before covering m

ived his scent. She has been scoldin

ut couldn't. I kept tossing and tossing abo

I heard the car hones out

should spare me that. I feel so hot and cold at th

d voice screaming my name and kne

or and comes to pull me by my

y on earth did you spill coffee on our CEO'S suit? A

s my sister? Why? I hate the fact that you are my

the company act like you don't know me. Don't ever call me by my name. I don't wanna get mixed with your mi

responds to her. A

y before stormin

y? Why is your sister so mad at you?" My ste

y room. Not that he will console me after learning what happened, he

fact that she died. Yes, mom is a human, my sis

like this? Will she be proud of me as her daughter? Or will she be disa

bed. I noticed fresh tears roll

d stop

ll be okay* I hear the same voi

ly took over m


o the wall clock to check what time it was, m

ath before coming out. I ran into my small closet to pick out a gown that was n

ate walking out. I followed her out with the hope of asking her

r and made to get i

. She turned bac

eing me angrily. I ign

can you gi

e before getting into

looked at th


ork today. I stood by the roadside close to 15 minutes be

man my destinatio

he cabby man almost all the money in m

always walk or take a bus to my destin

but was stopped at the

ne asked glaring at m

employed workers here

our card?"

the others with a pass card. They were all given

ou get one." The security gua

guard into the c

has to help me get in, that way I'll be able to see th

ed to lo

hey aren't letting

uard also turned to ask Kate. Kate bea

e a fan," Kate replied t

prised by her actions. She knows that I h

cause she assigned work to me. She also told me tha

er own sister? All the words she said to me la

hate me. She

mises miss. Please leave," the

work here now please," I voiced

familiar voice asked. The

" the security guard

ing to recognize her. She is the one that asked

laiming she is a worker here." The secu

an fully to defend myself. Forget my weakn

settled on me

must have given you one. w

ly as I thought

disrespected her by lea

portuned to see the CEO yesterday," I a

g at me with a

and start walking into the company. The

g her, making me wonder who she really i

to the floor her o

" her secretary gree

before getting into her off

, my mouth fell open in

ettled on the medal tag

ident. Ma

ent?? Oh my

eing co

e sat down behi

e others met with the CEO?" She questioned glaring at

o remain at the room you asked us to stay but she told me that the CEO wasn't gonn

o scary. Her aura shows that she is

ce." She said scoffing. It's clear that she is anno

free with her. Probably because she is a we

ou to him. You'll be going with his coffee, that is the only way for you

m in his office?

s office. Not

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1 Chapter 1 Fucked up2 Chapter 2 His office3 Chapter 3 His slave4 Chapter 4 Leaving her home5 Chapter 5 In the king's castle6 Chapter 6 Rules7 Chapter 7 The King's personal slave8 Chapter 8 Meeting him9 Chapter 9 Crushing on him10 Chapter 10 Scared11 Chapter 11 Lonely 12 Chapter 12 Sibling13 Chapter 13 In tears. Happy14 Chapter 14 My Master 15 Chapter 15 Making him dinner16 Chapter 16 Offense17 Chapter 17 Punishment18 Chapter 18 Meeting Madam Lucas19 Chapter 19 He hates females20 Chapter 20 Running21 Chapter 21 In rage22 Chapter 22 Caught23 Chapter 23 Scared24 Chapter 24 Locked up25 Chapter 25 Alone26 Chapter 26 The maid27 Chapter 27 Called upon28 Chapter 28 Asking for forgiveness29 Chapter 29 His Aura30 Chapter 30 Meeting him31 Chapter 31 Going on a date with him.32 Chapter 32 Using her33 Chapter 33 Their plans34 Chapter 34 Falling for him.35 Chapter 35 Abducted36 Chapter 36 Evil plans37 Chapter 37 Trapped38 Chapter 38 True colour39 Chapter 39 Heart broken again40 Chapter 40 Disturbing 41 Chapter 41 Rescued42 Chapter 42 Tears of relief43 Chapter 43 The maid's seduction44 Chapter 44 Caught. Dealt with.45 Chapter 45 A trip 46 Chapter 46 His Mansion47 Chapter 47 Changing48 Chapter 48 His plans49 Chapter 49 Left behind50 Chapter 50 Training| Changes.51 Chapter 51 Three months later52 Chapter 52 Back to LA 53 Chapter 53 In awe54 Chapter 54 Satisfied55 Chapter 55 A changed Serena56 Chapter 56 Making him dinner 57 Chapter 57 Closer to him58 Chapter 58 The company59 Chapter 59 Meeting Kate60 Chapter 60 Shocked61 Chapter 61 Exclusively his62 Chapter 62 New feelings. Kate's mate63 Chapter 63 Real kiss64 Chapter 64 Aroused 65 Chapter 65 Bond66 Chapter 66 Mate67 Chapter 67 Possessive Zed68 Chapter 68 Stepping up my game 69 Chapter 69 Face of the company70 Chapter 70 Isaac's decision71 Chapter 71 Return of his first mate72 Chapter 72 Burning Jealousy73 Chapter 73 Moving forward74 Chapter 74 His past75 Chapter 75 On his bed76 Chapter 76 Interrogation77 Chapter 77 Marked by him78 Chapter 78 A Jealous King79 Chapter 79 Heat80 Chapter 80 Family81 Chapter 81 Announcement