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Katherine's Sheaves


Word Count: 3328    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

on their way to number fifteen, west wing, Katherine t

rst year in Hilton

crankiness and severity, turned to Katherine in unfeigned surprise, for there was no

ed in a sunny smile that just disclosed her white, even teeth, and her voi

e time a veritable little "snapdragon." Touch her ever so lightly, and off she would go into paroxysms of mirth or rage, sympathy or scorn, as the case might be. Conseq

still curiously studying the placid face beside her, "but I'm not here as you are. I'm

t?'" repeated Kath

make up the rest. You see"-the flush creeping higher, but with a secret determination to "sound" the new junior- -"I haven't any father or mot

said Katherine, with shining eyes, and laying a friendly hand on her s

kle on to a hard lesson, after running up and downstairs forty times a day, besides no end of other things to do. Most of the girls are pretty good to me; though, now and then, there's one who thinks she was cut out of finer cloth. I dote on the professor, even if he does get a bit cranky sometimes, like to-day, when something ruf

ou wish, and my name is Katherine, with a 'K,'

m' about you," said the girl, gravely,

ed Katherine, with a ripple of mirthful laughter. "I a

time. There's one thing I don't need to 'guess' about, though-y

?" questioned Katherine,

airs, when you know you're right. I say, though"-she interposed, eagerly

she had unconsciously manifested anything that had s

and tongs'"-doubling up her fists and striking out suggestively righ

usal of her cause, and with a sense of relief to know that

ot feel anger or resentment towards any on

learned a lesson from you, for I never saw him quite so upset over a little thing before. I never had any use for Christian Scientists myself; don't know anything about 'em, in fact. But if they're all like you, I don't believe they'll ever do much harm in the world. Here we are, though-this is Sadie's roo

opened the door and entered a sunny, inviting apartment, the

ne person could ever make use of so many things, while an attractive girl was sitting upon the floor before the one dressing case, her face

vealing her companion, "this is Miss Minturn, who is to room with you.

rward with outstretched hand, her manner

coming, and I've been working right smart to get ready for you. I've had full swing here so long I've filled every nook and cranny of the place, and now"-with a shrug and a deprecatory smile-"I shall have to learn to be very

earn for to-morrow morning," and Jennie, flushing with sudden anger

ut out a de

a friendly smile, adding: "And I hope there will be no mo

just have to bottle up when it's time for algebra and try to play 'it's an angel being entertained unawares.' Good-by, Miss Minturn. I'll

," observed Miss Minot, as she curled herself up on the foot of

" Katherine laughingly responded; "bu

a very easy time of it here. She is a stray waif, a

n aunt," interp

accident, in which it was supposed both her parents were killed, for nobody could be found to claim the child after it was over; and Miss Wild, an old maid with a small annuity, was on the same train, and, l

ing around the disorderly room, she added: "Now, Miss Minot, I feel almost like an intrud

m right glad that you are a junior," she resumed, in a comfortable tone. "It is so much nicer

character. She saw that her tendency was to lean upon the nearest prop; and, as

with Katherine's trunk, whereupon Sadie bestirr

hings at that time. She generously said she would try to get along with one-third of the closet and one of the drawers in the bur

acking a long chintz curtain to it, and, with a dozen hooks screwed into a cleat u

the time being, unmindful of the waiting algebra lesson, rushed down to the recreation room, where many of

indignant because such a pariah had been admitted to the seminary; others ridiculed and laughed to scorn the doctrines of the "

governing the preponderance of opinion; and by the time the supper bell rang almost every student in the house h

d or more pairs of curious and critical eyes that were eagerly watching for her to appear. Miss Reynolds, who had overheard some of the gos

til you become better acquainted and choose your permanent

I shall find it; you are very good," Ka

ting for the professor to give the signal to be seated, int

nd Katherine's momentary feeling of awkwardness was covered by the confusion of getting into place. But for her teacher she would have had a very lonely and silent meal; for after one or t

n hour, socially, after the evening meal. But as she presented her charge, here and there, she only became more indignant in view of frigid salutations and a general stampede wherever they made the

on her face as she glanced around the almost empty room they were in. "I understand the situation perfectly; they have a

rd of," returned her companion, with flashing eyes, "and I shall make it my

rference would only serve to intensify the antagonism against me; and I am sure when the girls come to know me better,

in her eyes. "But"-with a resolute straightening of her graceful figure-"I am not going to have you left to your

said Katherine, eagerly,

slipping an arm around her, she spirited her away to her

ate already absorbed, apparently, in the preparation of to-morrow's lessons; for, as she entered, the gir

irst, she had experienced a sense of discord and friction in the atmosphere. The hour passed in abs

nce and Health," and "Quarterly," began to study her lesson for the coming Sunday. She spent

with a smile as she

retiring hour

be out at half-past," was

lked over to Katharine, and picking up

u were reading? Oh! i

rd so mu

dful to me," returned

ch she had opened. "That's just another version of the 'golden rule,' isn't it?" Then, turning a leaf, she read from the next page: "'Love fulfills th

tly returne

bout the wonderful cures and-and the rest


em," said the girl, eager

Seabrook has forbidden me to say anything

was an Episcopalian clergyman, a rector, you know, and"-with a shrug and laugh-"I'm afraid he wouldn't rest easy in his grave if he knew I had such a rank heretic for a roommate. But"-leaning forwar

nd"-with a merry twinkle in her eyes-"if you do not b

; but"-flushing slightly-"something had to be said to get it out of the

my heart

yes; the last vestige of formality was s

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