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Katherine's Sheaves


Word Count: 3154    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ought the little hall on Grove Street, where the few Scientists of the city met each week to enjoy the service which ha

ch section as its point was clearly brought out by the readers, to teach and bless; and so, when she again

nter the building she

also had just ret

s, lifted his hat to her with frigid p

greeted her most cordially, where

ther, Dr. Stanley, has been with her while we were at church, and I hope to find her better, for he always does her good. Dorothy was g

ally, and much gratified to have yesterday's invitation repeated, while there was a feeling

xposition of the first chapter of Genesis from its spiritual interpretation, as she had been taught it according to Christian Science, But she tried to feel that, if s

er altogether, and thus avoid an

nd learned afterward that the girl was often present during the lessons, always giving the closest

owed by a familiar hymn. Then he gave a short talk upon the first chapte

y interesting along the line of his own views. His rhetoric was flawless, his figures apt and

t to be discussed in detail-that would require much study and many sittings-and we will spend the remainder of the hour upon two

upon several others, with a similar result. Everyone loved to listen to him, for his graceful diction was like music in their ears, but when called upon to express their own opinions they were all, wi

he detected, here and there, a yawn behind an uplifted

conception of God?" he inqui

ectric shock to Katherine and bro

this sense of di

it," she qui

t definition has already been given several times; but I am trying to

surprise and appeal, and he knew, as well as if she had voiced her thought, that she rememb

e kind, while he also experienced some curiosity as to whether sh

eason for so doing; and,"- with a more courteous inflection-"as there is supposed to be perfect freedom i

many, does it not? But I understand God to be Infinite

'infinite spirit?' Define

e scientific definition of God. She had supposed that he must have read something on the subject of Christian S

lead. He had now given her license to speak, and she

terms she had employed in talking with Miss Reynolds the previous

, her face aglow, her eyes alight, "I like that definitio

vation with a grave bow, then inquired of Katherine: "And


ueried the gentleman, with a scornful dilation of his thin nostrils. "

an beings are perso


, evasively, as he hurriedly began to turn the leaves of his Bible in search of a text. "He is spoke

Deity, sir? Would not that des

s he continued to search the pages of his Bibl

rtainly, infinity, omnipresence, could neither be l

on the speakers, while Dorothy leaned forward in her chair, her earnest eyes gl

press image of His-God's-person?" [Footnote: Hebrews, 1-3.] demanded the professor-having found the text he was l

you have read, really means character, and it is so rendered in my Bible, which is t

ected to provide himself with the revised version of the New Testament. However, now that his attention was called to the fact, he

nner that he was deeply chagrined to find this young girl so well versed in t

my study and will look up the word later. I find we cannot take up the other question to-day, as our

the room; but, once beyond hearing, they gathered in groups to talk

ant reference to their meeting of the previous day, and then would have pas

eal, Miss Minturn, to get such lovely thou

brook was listening, and felt that she ha

of studying the Bible

thy, turning to him, "

ea of God is vagu

o to me, dear," her f

s a man, or three men all mixed up together in one, and able to be everywhere at once," and ther

t now," said her father. "You must be tired

inging to Katherine, who had tried to release her hand, for she was anxious to esca

dear," Katherine interposed, "fo

't you time to tell m

but-" and she lifted a dou

girl, intuitively realizing that he

nd he could not now, although he felt secretly antago

ss Minturn will kindly

othy eagerly turned a

ence and Life, as you

e and li

a loss how to reply in a way to clearly convey the truth to this inquiring mind, while a

oser for the

mage and likeness refers to this imperfect mortal or physical b

and then, somehow, He let him get all wrong. I can't see how or why, though I've heard ministers and other

or 'all His ways are perfect,' you know. The man of God's creating

verse means-the express image of His person-His character!" and Dorothy

er hand. "Tell me this, please: if everybody became good, perfect in character, wou

nd wondering why Prof. Seabrook did not put a stop to a convers

sh I knew how," said

d by the renewing of your mind,' and to 'p

peated the girl, with a lo

hts-God's thoughts-and in this way one grows good, pure and perfect. Let us take a simple illustration," Ka

hy no

l upon it, something begins to happen down there in the dark; the ugly bulb begins to change, to soften and melt away; one by one the brown husks drop off and disappear as the tiny germ within, awakening to a new sense of life, starts upward to find more light and freedom and a purer atmosp

omplete, for, after all, you have only a material flower-it is far

in the density and husks of materiality; the tiny 'germ is the symbol of that ray or spark of immortality that is in every human consciousness and which, governed by the perfect law of Life, 'whose eternal mandate is growth,' [Footnote: "Science and Health," page 520.] and nourished by the sunlight of divine Love, p

inous eyes. "Then, if one never had any but good thoughts, p

I think the

talk like this before!" cried the child, with a

and, stooping, kissed the small

right here, and-I hope Prof. Seabrook does not think I have said too much," she concluded,

the situation might

had not

ough; and will you tell me some more

eplied, with heightened color. "Now I must go, fo

sed to much petting from everyone, and lifting her pale face to the

atherine, and heartil

principal, left the room, whispering to herself as she tried

imperfect. He made man upright, an

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