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Katherine's Sheaves


Word Count: 3384    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

mong her own classmates, for, instead of the cold shoulder, averted glances and a general st

season," being a "full-dress affair," when all barriers were swept away during the "jollification" and every vestige

and her companions found that she could appreciate a frolic as hear

studying the morrow's lessons when a rap sounded on her door, and, upon giving

me to ask if you will come to her ro

therine, who knew that her teacher had not been well for nearly a wee

n," continued the

her friend,

ou to your servi

t has possessed y

the heedless girl interposed as Katherine flushed and looked up suddenly. "I really didn't mean

to leave their own church. You would have to get

said Jennie, with a shrug,

er companion. "And if it is only a matter of idle curiosity on your part, I

lly distressed un

, plaintively. "I didn't mean to speak sl

d that, to me, our service is very beautiful and sacred. I would dearly love to have you go with me in a proper way;

smile; then, with a friendly "good-night," she went away,

nolds' room. She found her teacher in bed, looking flushed and feverish, her throa

er hand to the girl, who clasped it

pered the woman, a little gleam of laughter in

to you," said Katherine, gravely. "But

Prof. Seabrook sent me word by his wife, to-night, that if I am not better by morning he will call a physician upon his own responsibility. I don't want a doctor,"

array of bottles on the table near her,

'halting between two opinions'; but nothing does any good, and I have come to the end of my

ip. With it also came the query, "What would Prof. Seabrook think of hav

o fear in love," and "where duty pointe

f it?" her teacher inquired, a

e who put their trust in Him," was the confident response. "But," Katheri


nced at the bottles, "and this?" to

ou may put the medicines all away, and I will take off the flannel. I am determi

Scientist, in a resolute tone. "I shall stay here with you to-

u can sleep on the co

to be left alone,"

r friend as she went-told Sadie her plan, and donned a loose wrapper; then,

us folds from her neck, and now looked relieved as Kather

rom the table, laying her books in their place, and was on the point

Seabrook standing without, a bo

n her wrapper. "I am very glad-I had intended doing so myself, for I know she should not be left alone; but Do

me as she has

ook sighed

f she is not better in the morning. I have made her some gruel-do make

rs. Seabrook. I will take the very best of care

are-laden woman, tears springing to her eyes. Then she bade her good-night and left her, whereupon K

the symptoms appeared to be aggravated; she tossed restlessly, the fever apparently increasing, wh

le to detect the slightest sign of improvement. Then, as she responded to another call for water, she found that

tinel on guard labored on, now reading from her precious book, then seeking help from the only source wh

n called for water; then, after drinking thir

e once more and a

throat is not so sore!" she said, smiling faint

he received the bowl half-emptied of its contents. "Now

as wrapped in slumber; when, assured that her toiling and rowing were over for the present, and God a

g to disturb her, she lay back and worked silently until

nd looked at her companion, then sat up an

astonishment sw

therine!" she excla

nquired the girl,


py smile as she glanced at the white, shape

Child, I do not know what to think of it!" sa

e of need," returned Katherine, with sweet ser

a thoughtful look on her face. But, pre

o for your breakfast, o

t shall I bring

may I

ing yo


we were talking of last week- man's

after one of these attacks! But I am in your hands, Kathie-you may bring me what yo

way to her own room to complete her toilet, a paean of praise thrilling her heart for the recent safe and triumphant pa

into her place and made a hurried meal, after which she sought the matron and gav

Seabrook espied her and came

rine replied, and, thinking it wise not to sa

appeared gre

ght, for I have never seen her so ill before. Poor Dorrie is not

this sweet, patient woman, who was so heavily burden

d, adding: "And I will run in to

You always do the child good, and she will have so

she said she would like to be left alone to rest until noon, when Katheri

tten "not to be disturbed"; then went away to her own duties, w

ged a generous and tempting meal on a

eated in a comfortable rocker, reading "Science a

and nodded brightly as

" she inquired, as she bestowed a fond pat upon the girl who had d

Katherine, bending to k

? Why! I am simply amazed at m

laughed ou

'the prayer of faith would remove mountains,' prayed that God w

I knew it would be here just the same!' I know the story, and I see you

rayer, believing, ye shall receive.' You are not quite like the woman who prayed for what she was sure she would not get

, Kathie, or I would not have t

inly is a beautiful proof," Miss Reynolds earnestly returned, "for I have been subject to these attacks for many years,

that she was thinking deeply, while Katherine mo

red, "what is this 'treatment' which y

erstanding that G

at least, according to the common acceptation of the term; but I have never before known of a direct answer to pra

herine, smiling. "Briefly, it is reaching out f


; and acting as if we knew it, by gratefully accepting it," Katherine expl

o reach out and partake of it to satisfy your hunger. How inconsistent it would be if you should ignore these f

end what you mean and that the old way of praying is only a halfway prayer, whi

ld-asking and taking, praying and doing; knowing that God's promis

lties to meet, Kathie? I should think it would not always

ds to go over a difficult mathematical problem many times before getting a correct answer, but never doubting that it will follow right effort," Katherine explained. "Of course, there is a

if you are not going to use you

a while," and Katherine flushed with pleasure at t

re her-"don't you think I have done ample justice to the generous re

erine, with smiling reproof. "It will not," she adde

sformation of the last few hours," said Miss Reynolds, with starting tears. "If it were

d on going to answer it Katherine found Mrs. Sea

valid up and dressed, while Mrs. Seabrook viewed with grave disap

meat, potatoes and vegetables-yes, and p

, normal hand. "I am very much better, and I was hungry,

sgressor only smiled serenely and began to talk of other things, while Katherine

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