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A slave of honour

Chapter 2 Accusations

Word Count: 1333    |    Released on: 15/05/2021

e up when the sunset rises to the instant of it reflecting in her eyes. But right now, the noise

hted her being awoken. "Good morning my Princess? "H

ng me? " Have you forgotten your manners or is it just because I'm being too

that your stupid english? "Common english you can't speak, which language can you

tered as she lumbered out of her sight . "D

increasing, she spied on her window and found some people outside. "

hrough the house as she branched the setting room, just as she was a

mble maid utter as she bowed her head in obeisa

t minding that she's just a twelve (12) years old girl,she

me not to let you outside and if I dared disobey..... "So that's why

alked through some hallways before finally gett

her rapidly got angry at the sight of her,"so that stupid maid dared dis


en on a wagol as he viewed everything happening from the net use in designing the

s he laughed. "I was told one of our people was executed in this palace. "Executed" I don't know w

I can't, you guys can't just come here and accuse us o

We're not, " let them in?! The king's v

wapk inside the palace as some o

red her a glance,... which shows she shouldn't put her mouth on t

startled at the whole thing "so it was actually true. They couldn't believ

s.... He asked the prime minister as he faced the king,

hows she was a white person as her family was indig

s in killing your people? "King willi

ran in as he kneel before everyone. "My name is xander and I

to bright mood, at least he had found someone wh

quarter, he uttered as everybody gasped?. "What?? " And what proof do you ha

one and truthfully it was his sword,...but how did it get stained by blood

ured of him being the m

this kingdom for God sake,"how do you expect me to kill my

that and found your sword with blood in her quarter. It is obviously

s Everybody turned back only to find "princess Elizabeth. "When and where

conversation a child could interfere into,.. one white lady murm

't come to my father's kingdom and accuse him of murdering one of your people. It's a crime,she utter as e

of the king utter as some people sided with him.... while

ed to "TEN YEARS.. imprisonment?. "What? everybody's mouth gaped open. "But that isn't Fair,

s seeing the injustice h

as he couldn't utter a word due t

trusted, the people he called his

e false. "Arrest the king" a voice rasped in and witho

at the ongoing thing happening before her eyes as her mother put her in embrace. "it's okay my child?



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