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A slave of honour

Chapter 7 A birthday party

Word Count: 1966    |    Released on: 05/06/2021

s place. Like she had a choice, if she didn't go there, she'd be punished so she had t

d down waiting for Princess Anna to come. Different Princesses and Princes could be

eyes suddenly caught Princess Lola who was glancing at her with a questionable expression. Truth be told: she had b

owly as they danced dramatically to the beat of the song. As eye

time her character showed to her that she wasn't comfortable and happy

t her. With familiar look, she glance back at he

. Her attention drew from her when she heard everybody whispering. "Oh my gosh, th

She was so happy that he came. Some of the maids which had fainted o

s always found indoors unlike the rest

dhood. He's the first Prince of "IDIGU" , cold_ hearted and harsh . He is hardly seen cooperating in what


ng on an helmet. She thought as her eyes suddenly met; Prince samthia who was giving her this suspicious look on his face.With courage she drifted back scrutinizing every moment that she didn't

" Hmmm,"hmmm, that's all she could utter as words ceased out of her mouth due to the anxio

're hiding your face from us. With that, she took a step forward, wanting to leave... But was stopped by the guards which had

drama displaying before them. "Come on everyone!! T

instructions. Princess Anne utter just as they were about removing the helmet out of her face.

if my brother was actually in his chamber before. Princess anne utter really shock at the unpleasant thing she heard. Scrintizing everywhere, El

rds gathered her already as she turned to the front... "Holy crap. So this is where I got cut. She uttered as she leaned toward the wall, thinking of how to fly out of there. "Oh

smiled. I have nothing to say, so please, just let me be. She utter as they took a step closer to her about d


ike her despite not knowing her identity? Or could it be that he knew her real Identity. "Please stop the horse. She felt r

vely. He utter as she scoff. "I'm sorry for the rude manners. And I really appreciate your help " Sir??.

the guards came to prince Alden rescue while some chased after her.she abruptly climbed a tree w

losing track of her. "Darm it ?? We will be Dead if we can'


hat's the most happy thing for my daughter. Her mother uttered as she

ife, my love and that's the most lovely thing. "Just imagine if he was still in his chamber. He

took my character. You should be proud of who you're. Her mother uttered as she smiled. "You know wh

ind out who was planning to burn him before it's too late b


ire. Unknown to her, some of the guards sent by "prince samthia'' have been watching her since her arrival into the

A lady?? He retreated back to the word as he smiled . I want every information about her. He utters as they bow down b


you and why do you have to ride out with that guard?? We were pretty worried about you. Princess giann

nd sometimes he could be seen in the streets. Honestly, he likes living a normal life .

like others did. As a prince, he always wants ever

ould do as he just obeyed his rules like a f**lish person.e Dead very soon. Okay mom. Mission aElizabeth was helping the maid in the kitchen when the he

e was dumbfounded an

thought as she asked her which of the prince she must be re

know the particular prince you're...... Talking about. She as

herself getting hot. Her palm was sweating, her heart beating rapidly due to the unpleasant word she ju

red of waiting. She rasped in as she quickly got a glim

he first before planning to knock. Before she could kno

.she quietly dropped it and made to leave,

ave? His grumpily voice came in aa


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