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A slave of honour

Chapter 6 Find her

Word Count: 1018    |    Released on: 05/06/2021


want from me... But don't just take me to him . "My life will be shattered

came outside? Judging by the time. It's actually midnight. The sound bec

ith her facemask on. "Let her go. She uttered as she brought out her sword to fi

as putting on. Her rank which stated "H. P" which simply means, high position. Is a rank. As she is right n

ountenance. I ain't gonna do anything to you guys okay. "But what I want... Is for you to let her go. Who sent yo

ked the two guard on their b**t as they fall on the ground with a loud thug and she rapidly poin

't care about who sent you guys to kidnapped that lady., Bu

ving "prince santhia ''who was

ng him on indignanted mood as he sighed. "My prince" we're very.....!!! ""who's tha

uard shattered my plan+. I'll have him killed with my own two hands. He utter and wended to his be

the second queen. He's cold_hearted,harsh and a s*x freak.he deals


out on his horse. "Really, okay. He utter ready to ride the horse when she held his hand. Come on brother, "whe

o what did he say? Princess jasmine who had been watching the whole scene went to her with a happy countenan

t I thought we had a deal. "Can you just stop talking? I'm trying to get myself right now. I'll be a laughing stock if


na be there with that rank of "HP. You gotta go there and keep your eyes op

ed hearing the whole words. "Princess Anne, no that can't be, if she sees her, she's gonna arrest her a

emaining maid who was putting on the palace suit. She was about to step foot into the

led. The familiar voice utter as she quickly recognizes the voice to

nd,but why.she as

ain everything to them of course.she replied as she was forced to laugh. " You don't understand. He's a princ

ss. " I know your story, every single thing about you. " I'm just telling you this because I don't want you

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