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Author: ENEME

Chapter 1 Never Mix

Word Count: 846    |    Released on: 20/05/2021

oddess - S

ome called my powers control over love but I haven't seen it that way. There was a desi

oke as the double doors to my throne room sprang

, an almost curse yet I dismissed the

e pitch black hair went down to her shoulders. She scanned the ceramic floors and cris

r I'd think you don't wish me visiting." Surely I didn'

Mania gave me a wild grin before gesturing to the

heels. It was almost impossible to keep a stoic expression when they stompe

" Another goddess appears from the alte

oks at me in awe as her feet carry her towards me. We

nnocently which is clearly an indicator of completely th

The goddess of Truth pushes her way through the small group. H

r with sadness there was nothing I wouldn't do to ass

ove is for them!" I rise to my feet, my sisters look at me with judgement. The Go

of Family that's what you have to ask Hera for." She mumbles out and I narrow my eyes. Off course she could check

asked for was to see my beloved Endymion and what did I get? His passed out body that was locked in an eternal sleep. He was practically dead. All because Hera found out about my secre

s. "No. Off course not." I swallow, my throat going dry. "Excuse me." I mumble

mortals. Never

ist into tight knots, I couldn't wake End

in through the group of my goddess relatives. They stared at m

one else entering. The double glass doors covered with shiny diam

ngle one of us. My eyes flinch at such bright light. The deity takes a second to sublime her shine just as we

aking light steps she strolls, h

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