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My Half-Vampire Mate

My Half-Vampire Mate


Chapter 1 True Self

Word Count: 1093    |    Released on: 25/05/2021

it. She was walking in a pitch dark forest, wondering where to go. She reached the r

ets and my breath is ragged. I have had this dream many times bef

ars old and the only guardian to my adorable, sweet and i

a vampire, nonetheles

ber that night, the night when my parents adopted me. Yeah, it is weird that I still remember that night because b

ake it through alive. I never gave them any hints about me knowing about my adoption. Nor that I have any interest in knowing about my biologi

I would try to find out something from my past my pres

sed away when I was eight. Now I have to pay the debt I have towards my parents for raising me. Yes,

pend the night at her friend's house. Not to

of me. A strange aura surrounded me and I couldn't help but feel pressured and suffocated. It was th

ecame heavier as if someone had put a heavy rock on my chest. It felt like my heart was about to burst. I was overwhelmed with a strange hunger. My throa

nger or better should I say to quench my thirst. I almost at

d heavily. Just like in those cliché horror movies. A furious thunder roared outside and

considering ripping my throat out. My fingers clawed at my neck in a failed attempt to lessen it. At that ti

ting and I couldn't help but take in a huge amount of air into my lungs. Just the odor provoked a strange kind of hu

t in a matter of a few seconds, I ran into the living room where the robbers were sneaking around. Th

ed out of their lungs. They didn't expect to find a girl

stincts at that point. I had lost my senses completely. My hand stretched out like a claw and gripped his neck, my nails digging in

gister what just happened. But the motionless body of his partner was enough to tell him to run for his life. Sadly, it was too la

ing sensation inside my throat subsided and was replaced by satisfactio

nd my strange thirst. In fear that I might lose con



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