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Raymond and Merman

Chapter 2 Secret plan

Word Count: 1340    |    Released on: 03/06/2021

early in t

orded, like a dolphin, the Merman was a highly intelligent beast. Without effective security measures, they were

cious. I can't let it

risk my

ned as the sharp ink, but my mind seemed to still be trapped in the dar

lphin.Although I'm not sure how smart a Merman is at present, I want to try


as a knock on the

ill definitely stop me.Ryan had always thought that the Merman was a bloodthirsty creature. It was tamed like a big white shark and could only be o

he door open.I just lay on the bed, squinted at

rom the air. "Don't pretend to be

nd grabbed my injured hand. When I was wondering what he was going to do, I felt a cold in my finger belly and a burning pain h

o you mean

e was a trace of insidious complacency floating in his eyes. He slowly wiped the wound.I gritted my teeth and pretended to be indifferent,

and ab

bbed my hand. Instead of letting it go, he pulled me closer, with his lips almost touching the tip of my nose. He threatened in a low voice, "don't

the heavy smell of his cigar, and even my breath slowed down. "I didn't!I kn

looked at him with sincere fear.

f me disdainfully, and he snorted,

d immed

l with his much stronger body than mine.At that moment, I thought he was going to strangle me, but he just lowered his head and blew on the b

I hear, the more ri

irty jokes. I've been like a hooligan for months, and I've

mouth and drew a conclusion with a little banter, "after yo

be a little angry. His hand on my back suddenly tightened. It slid straight to my coccyx and tore off

iffened in

lower abdomen was

tner are lesbian! And he i

m the bed. My head hit the railing and I retreated to one side. With a straight face, I raised th

stared at me doubtfully. His two slender legs were

he embarrassment, I forced a joke between my

meaningful arc.A creepy numbness surged up from the soles of my feet. I resisted the impulse to run aw

pped harassing me.It's a pity that I'm an atheist. I ne

for the whole ship to be quiet. Even the night watchman would

cessfully communicated with many different types of creatures

thing was the experience of

n my hand and hid in the darkness like a nimble cat. After successfully avoiding the visible area of the vie

ised the fluorescent rod and looked for the curvaceous long black shadow in the artificial grass.The Merman was quietly floating at the top of the pillar.I

renaline. I slowly walked up the spiral stairs around

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