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Raymond and Merman

Chapter 4 Who is the prey

Word Count: 1008    |    Released on: 04/06/2021

y lower abdomen. My clothes were pulled open because of struggle, revealin

fed deeply and his nose wrinkled as if my body was a cup of attractive wine.If

a Merman who can attack me at any

of my legs and supported itself on both sides of my body, form

in the split area of its fingers. The same sharp shoulder blades p

he deep sea world.And now on the l

tame it first, and now how t

an extremely evil expression.I don't know if the weird power of the night fiend that Mr. Zhenyi

hair, stuck out the tip of his scarlet tongue, lowered its hea

ch went into my bones like a python, making me tremble a

stiff because of the attack on my sensitive parts. My

s eyes changed. It licked his lips, as if it was still savoring me. It looked strai

of beast, hungry and

xt second it will open its

, God knows if this terr

ew hours ago had no effect.This guy's metabolism is very fast. Even if

ly pulled me out of this state of numbness. I pulled the trigger and

and he looked up at

en thought the anesthetic was useless for a mome

ly, things did

nity to get up, but my feet suddenly stepped on its slippery side fin. I fell down, and I hurriedly supported

o its deep eyes all of a sudden, and its waist was suddenly tightened. I could feel the sharp touch of t

it at its head. "Hey, buddy, listen, I really don't want to hurt you

e to glare at it and warned it word by word.At the same

it can understand my threat.Since I have to tame a high IQ beast like Merma

m stronger and smarter than

help of anesthetic that I find thi

lowly closed its eyes, and its light colored eyelashes drooped like wet wings. The l

e at this time, even more harmless than a dolphin.And this dose of anesthetic was indeed aimed at t

h its smile made me feel terrible, there is no solid evidence. I really can't b

e finally got the sit

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