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Raymond and Merman

Chapter 3 Take the risk to investigate

Word Count: 2077    |    Released on: 04/06/2021

't seem to have any reaction even when I walked to the side of the Merman. It still leaned quietly against t

e DV. I leaned against the outer wall of the water tank and began to take photos of it from the tail to the head from different angles.In the dim light of the water, the Merman's streamlined

must be as terrifying as a shadow from hell. If it meets in diving

it by visual measurement about 2 meters. In addition, its upper body is as ta

ance at it and felt that its upper body was the same as that of human being. At this time, when I carefully observed it, I found that there was a layer of glo

man is illusory, but I also have doubts about th

orld?Is there another planet un

amn it! How could I think of this?If Ryan heard what I was thinking now,

in front of me? What

mucus. Because of this, Merman wouldn't wrinkle and become extremely fragile after being soa

se to touch Merman's skin with my own hands.Just

ng. The outer layer of the skin turned open, revealing the white muscles inside.

ice it earlier? It might be very weak, and it was given

ut away the DV and climbed towards the top cover of the water column.Maybe it's because I made too mu

s fact made me take a deep brea

Merman to feed. Through the tiny holes, I can see th


enly sank, and a dark color that was completely different from the wat

outside the guardrail, separat

ut now there seems to be no better way to deal with th

waist. My palms were sweating, but my nerves were

t contact with a live Merman. Don't make

t the nightmare like under the water, and reaching out to grab the handle outsid

me, I will be limited by the narrow space, whic

ut of the deep water, and it was as difficult as drowning.I'm still ration

of the door, and the water drops splashed on my face that I realized what he was doing, but my mind was still dull, as if I couldn't

ovocation and be attacked.This point is very clear in my mind at the moment. I tried to avoid

that I could

an I have ever seen.Its outline perfectly mixed the sharpness with the classical style.If such a f

word to praise. The word Mr. Zhenyi wh


his mouth slightly raised, as if he was mocking something

tasted what Mr. Zhenyi said, "

g that even one

tform. The part of the water above it formed a shadow that was taller than me, completely enveloping me.My eyes widened in surprise.Becaus

Suddenly, it curled up its tail and ran towards me, ignoring me with onl

! It's so

e water.The sudden change of light made me panic for a moment. I was supposed to kneel on one knee on the gro

ying snail.I couldn't even see where the Merman was and how close it was to me. I could only smell a strange and moist fragrance in the darknes


can't move at all. I can only let Merman climb up from my legs. My heart is beating violently. I'm going to inject the anes

my skin, streaks of which swept past my legs an

s in my legs began to twi

s very likely that it wants to open i

hurt its head.I have to make a ch

sitating, a low and stran


to the sound of a little Russian tongue.My family is from Russian. This kind

ast it proved that the Merman was not purely driven by in

trange to communicate wi

here was no record of human successfully communicating with Merman in history, but thro

down. Then I lowered my head and looked at the

tting a faint blue light, like the eyes o

y and in a low voice, "Hey, listen, I don't mean to harm you.

idn't make any reaction. It still lay on my legs, firmly

the corners of the Merman's mouth seem to move. The corners of its mouth slightly opened

telligence of Merman was between dolphin and human, and I had published many thesis on t

e, I have an extremely terrible perceptio

lay with me in the clap room with his

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