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Chosen For The War God In Isolation

Chapter 3 Running Bride

Word Count: 1357    |    Released on: 04/06/2021



I used for Isolation; no one can ever

e mirror because I looked so unkempt; I never believed th

me by Zeus; getting closer to it, I cried the more for my beloved sister died b

continue living this way alone and moan my sister; I will continue grieving for she ended her lif

words with her before she left to

o need for me to call on her and talk

g so hard as my tears dro

fore I used my dang

king, ready to pull out the sword and become the war god the people always nee? B

anion now; I always talk w


weak god, the god of war who left them as a coward h

might benefit anyone," I said out loud to the

everyone doesn't harbour anything in their heart related

ereabouts of the coward war god in isolation o

o finds him and

ot to tell anyone, but why am I s

doing here?"

we have so much work to do together" I watched him as he

r at his funny be

w beautiful and romantic it will be, I just can't even stop picturing it,

d I am sleeping on and th

t mean you should come to my room and watch me still sleeping without making a so

so beautiful like a flower while you sleep, now I see why the nickname flower," s

n know I have a bad dream? Are you now

his or her face, maybe a bad dream and the person might wake up unhappy, it's good we put a smi

st time my foolish friend has said s

ed you, you should be thanking me, I am here, even my presence is making you s

up, and said to him while

not telling anyone about what she said and how I need t

in the dream; as foolish as Lux, one thing I like about him is the fact he can kee

r his brother we have no idea of his existence. It seems I am not only hunted in the p

and said," A human bride for a go

e myself to have my bath at our

2 next week; this is so bad now the people in the village will

hday song for me when I turned 22; I

a necklace along with a beautiful locket, and I promise him neve

are preparing a marr

ly moron, I don't want this, but Lux kept telling me I should marry him i

ut just friendship; I finally give in

putting on the ceremonial attire for it; I excused

and I got chas

n't wish to be caught; if I am hooked, I will be f

was looking similar to me now; I had the boldnes

ay of light to an unknown

again, and I fell to rest

; looking at my feet, I saw it was bleeding


enjoyed t

ts and

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