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Chosen For The War God In Isolation

Chapter 4 An Unknown Place

Word Count: 1001    |    Released on: 04/06/2021


lem is this now? I am always careful with my body and my spotless skin; now I h

ming to this place in the middle of nowhere;

ve just hidden, making them run past me, then r

god Ariel it's the same as what took place; I became happy, thinking

ed against my will, most especially marrying someone I barely know or love, and he's even ugly

my foot, immediately, I tri

onse; what the hell is this pl

tes, it was like I wasn't heading in a directi

Mom, Lux, I am here, please help me, those running af

ain hearing a he

this place, no sign of anyone, not even the god her self Ariel I

se to get married by the god of manipulative s

ter come out and fa

not getting married, so whatever may be your puni

I just got frustrated the

eautiful fountain that wasn't letting out the water co

. Wow, this is amazing; it has all the markings, so finally, I am seeing what belongs to a war god myself with physical eyes, Zeus' gift, but so painful the war god i

guards or he comes, I will defea

am losing so much blood already; I looked at th

get close to where the sword is;

see who spoke; I was seeing the person as three in my


ds were sent to chase after L

t?" one of them

have accepted the marriage, maybe by now they would have been having sex and while we will

god stroll path; maybe she will just be

friend that she has entered the no-way path of the god. I wonder how she became close to that fo

ase Leah to th

st her happiness, but luckily Leah friend, Lux, was with her, trying to make her happy and

ings available for the local custom of the

o train her properly as culture demands, you must pay bac

n the deal day has never happened in the

for the disgrace and not settin

the god of manipulative demands


oke to

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