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Chosen For The War God In Isolation

Chapter 5 His Short Tempered

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 04/06/2021

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question playing in

o one was supposed to find me here; what game is she

n wasn't that clear enough to see

ng my eyes behold was a handsome young man, have

not even Lux, my stupid friend who probably will

stylish hair, pink lips looking so tempting, nice skin he got,

hot as this? This is me, Leah crush

iage ceremony; how I wish I didn't;

roaned out in pain, "Ouch, that hurts!" I started

are you here?" was th

o ask such a question; I remembered I passed out, oh is

y name is Leah from a nearby or far village or, gosh, sorry about that", I didn't compose because his e

ustom in our villages, once you turn 22, you must get married, I was a victim that

be friends, right?" I tried touching his hands, but he yel

mper he got,

self, you are not welcome here; kindly lea

idn't get my point, what I meant w

this instant, this is my point, leave, and I never wan

top my foot from bleeding but never know you such a devil," I give him a piece of my mi

while I struggled to catch my breath,", Let m

ss me as a monster, but I can act towards what just called me by k

ve your sight at once," I sai

ome guy like him behaving in t

ore I change my mind," he

riously holding my neck; I almost died in a str

not suppose

s," I said, dusting off the dust from wh

ground; it hurts, the place I had an injur

moment, or should I go and beg him to let me sta

ve not eaten since I ra

hope to get me food, or maybe I should go to him, but


t my feelings a long time ago, s

s activated just now; I could have killed her when I h

isfied with seeing blood to

er away; I love being all by myself; I hope Zeus

as usual when I


What wil

ravis li

e me lots

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