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Imperial City of Snowland

Imperial City of Snowland


Chapter 1 Being Exiled ()

Word Count: 1499    |    Released on: 22/06/2021

roved to be a mistake; loyalty or b

ind over my head. They were cheering in unison, saying, “Leng Xi, Your Majesty”. Behind them was a battlefield on which the blood had

lood on my hands drip on my golde

entire Imperial City, and my mother was the most beautiful and the most tender lady in the Elf Clan. My birth almost brought a crowning calamity to the entire Imperial City. My mother passes away

, was a greater wizard than my father. His name was Leng

elder brother

that the white light reflected by the tears of my father was way more sparkling than the heavy snow outside. He even felt in that instant he was in a dream where before my birth, my mother clothed in a fur co

ight’s long spear in his hand. Soon, he and the mammoth disappeared in the heavy snow. Behind my father were all his people of the Imperial City. They all sighed with emotion upon watching Xiao Yan

me that he was come after by more than ten forces when he took me out of the Imperial City, such as the Elf Clan and even some people of the Imperial City. He d

The next was the illegitimate Ice Wizards. The wizardry was innately divided into different systems, including the Wind Type and even the Fire Type of the Earth System. Without enough talents, they were absolutely inferior to the Ice Wizards in terms of status. Most of the elves could practice all kinds of wizardry except for the Ice Type. The pure Ice Wizards of the Elf Clan were rare,

as well as the other divine spirits like orc

ey would always be the ones

d was the strongest warrior in terms of physical body cultivation. I had asked him why my father ordered him, not an Ic

please don’t blame your f

ll up some small animals, and my capabilities of summoning snow were inferior

valry as his creed to abide by. In my eyes, his face was much more handsome than my father. His knight’s spe

, “Your Highness, I’m so

le on his shoulder, left by an Ice Wizard’s Ice Spear. He then fe

s roared with sadne

and light up a huge flame, or they couldn’t walk anymore, they would ask the others to freeze them and throw them off Valley of Life. They believed that

Xiao Rang was also on th

t the age of ten, Xiao Yan sighed with emotion, carried the heavy knight’s spear o

nd than divine spirits, which was the only ability of them stronger than divine spirits’. The divine spirit had a small population of one hundred thousand ones. That war was so fierce that even snow was driven away. The mortals disdained the superior divine spirits, so they launched an all

a more fierce war than this one. The border of the

the coldness swept over everywhere, it meant that a new Ice Wizard showed up, and this could even change the fate of his clan. If his potentials displayed different features, such as a huge flame, the

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