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Imperial City of Snowland

Chapter 2 Being Exiled ()

Word Count: 1196    |    Released on: 22/06/2021

e ground and said, “Your Hig

at all. Xiao Rang, I still a

me. At the age of ten, he was far thi

my life just like my father.” His knees hit t

e a blur. I thought at the beginning that those assassins came after us. But, I saw the eyes of Xiao Yan who rushed inside were like the brightest flames on the snowland and were fixed on me. The snow

relaxed to unload all my defense. The effect was quite obvious. The snow

sequently, the snow stopped suddenly, for all of it roared around me or above my head. If I closed my eyes, I could even feel its

y starting clearing up,

eyes, I turned around and saw the colossal ice pillar stretching to

wn right away and said, “Your Highness, w

as immersed

, we must leav

y from afar in a blink of an eye. I saw the huge flames turn into the sharp pale blue air knives and even saw the huge blue waves coming from the no

ceived the order from the Imperial City that if they saw me, the second

other, not my father make that order. I didn’

aid, “Your Highness, since only the prince who is the most powerful Ice Wizard can succeed to the

re that my talents wil

ur tenth birthday when you summon sno


to an adult from a child. In our snowland, each divine spirit would be a child for 100 year

ological changes directly influenced our future development. It was said that my brother f

e ice pillar reac

eeing that Xiao Yan kneeled down in front of me with a big hole on h

you can...” said Xiao Yan with his knight’s spear stuc

ang cried sadly,

ky that had cleared up was covered with a layer of gray mem

even feel the huge surging flame. Countless people came here continuously and wanted to kill

ut his stamina. Even if he was a knight with the strongest p

together. However, as more and more people came he

e Xiao Rang left the Imperial City with us, Xiao Yan always held me in his

t Xiao Yan hugged Xiao Rang. He dropped the spear on the ground and entrust it with Xiao Rang. As he whispered to Xiao Rang’s ear

change, so please leave right away. I’ll be here to stop t

o Rang with the same size of

appeared where I had stood on and fill

ee knight’s spears from behind, and

eamed through

lood became c

e direction whe

, Xiao

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