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Imperial City of Snowland

Chapter 5 Centenary Killing [I] (1)

Word Count: 1575    |    Released on: 22/06/2021

ne, the target died immediately before he could beg for life. Totally unlike the little knight before, Xiao R

id I with a smile. "Let's go to the

rst and then said with a

ng with the most bloody place, you would find it. The war between the mortals and divine spirits started right at the entrance, resulting in at least countless people being de

the place filled wit

Do you want to suc

, I

, Your H

of the entire Imperial City of Snowland, am I, Xi

e. I'll give

already summer. At the time, one kingdom w

our snowland, one kingdom als

said, "Y

even my shoulders were as wide as his. My eyes glistered with white luster, and my white hair could drop to my waist. Thus, I always coiled it

r and said, "Your Highness, you

pear on his shoulder. His handsome face was like God's masterpiece. He cut his hair very short. His eyes were as bright as the stars. H

"Your Highness, I'll

ously, and Xiao Rang's physical body

irl beside

back 100

ed me by standing in front of me with his eyes full of coldness

e you?"

e mortal world," said the guy w

for us," said Xiao Rang with h



les was easily defeated by the ice-blue soul. Before this, when Xiao Rang had

or me at the risk of his life and

ough, Xiao Rang. I


ot t

hen, he expanded himself into a giant pal

o Rang wiped the blood on his lips, an

. I'll be back soon." I felt the

oon, and you wa

you." Xiao Rang quietly sat in c

now this is the battlefi

ow, but wh

n the future. Your power is too weak, so you need to become strong. Y


n I help you b


come forward from the horizon line of the prairie. They had swords glistering with a cold light in their hands, greedy saliva in their mouths, and heavy armors on their bodies. Com

couldn't cast their wizardry frequently, because they would destroy the defense line they set up. If I didn't see by my



, he used flames to create a huge flame field around him. He waved his left hand, and then a huge fireball fell off from the sky onto the surrounding mortals, setting them on fire. As he walked on the fires, he sketched again in the midair, and then a huge blue Snow Swirl swiftly swallowed the mortals from the other end of the horizon line, leaving blood along its way like the cheapest dyestuff.


als rushed over and cut him with their own swords. When they le

uld hear the last word

ow's mind by him befor

ee the whole proc

ed. You'll not only see the whole

art o

swirled in my brain as if my int

n eye, I became the King of all the divine spirits and looked at

t a dream." Unexpected

's k

izards. I felt a gush of inexhaustible power came from my body and found it such easy for me to stand on the snow in the midair. The

ountless people. Beasts with air blades all over the

blinding wizardry killed the mortals like a cutting machine. All of them turned crazy about ki

ld immediately fill the vacancy by passing the entrance to the mortal world after one

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