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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 525    |    Released on: 20/06/2021

her way to get a cab when a hand grabbed her from behind and she turned aro

his". she ask

handsomely just as long as I get a taste of that your sweet

t give you the right to tag me as one huh... get that into your fucking skull". winter pointe

and went into the apartmen

roject when she entered and he could notice something

ne pease you off?. tell me and I

lub, he really hate the fact that she was working there. but he

m trying to confuse him as she knows her brother. he

push it" he replied her in a frown

aid in a small smile trying t

arien told her smiling as he stared at her and he thought of what a lovel

now it's going to be delicio

tarien replied

e grab my dinner". she told him heading to her room

e you thanks

d ever ask for". he told her amidst tea

me for because all I'm doing is simply my responsibility ok". winter told him wiping off his tears with her hands

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