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Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 1438    |    Released on: 07/11/2021


ad sent to keep a close eye on Madam pet

but little did he know that one of the Drug Lord men was

hind, and he fell down and grunt

ain he was feeling and the man towards him and took the phone from him as he

d Callot and his men coming from afar and left hi

im in the floor, he quickly went to

.. Marcos Ca


id to

.. the... I

pit out blood and c

.. you are g

e stared at him hold

he's keeping a close eye on her with his men, and they are so far away f

d lost a lot of blood and he knows that he's not going to make it, and Cal

care of yourself and don't miss me too much, I'm happy that I can lay down my

eavy breath as he

g about... You are

stopped breathing as his eyes was


just an ordinary bodyguard, he had been with him right from when he was a little boy

ve the Drug Lord a very painful dea

mergency personnels arrived and took him into a stretcher as the

ying that they lost him, and he glared angrily into space as he

ne around there including Madam pette who


out heavily then he brought out his phone and Ca

disrupt the place and he had g

a Job well done but I wouldn't

e sounded thr

ached h

ou mean by

right on his forehead and before he could recover from the shock, he h



llot had been killed, and he instructed his men to set all the girls on the stage to

s for Cele

ut smoke from his nostrils and mo

ought on stage, and he grinned as h

back at him looking so worn out, and he became so angry as

ing alongside with Loretta and some other girls, but the other stubborn girls were

vely with a blank expression on her face as she shot him a glare that

her stare instead he fou


ith his blazing stares not leaving hers, as he seems to be enjoying the view, b

from the stage to him, as soon as Wint

hat they wanted from her again, as Loret

the stage and made her

ce f

still not making a move as

t repeat m

oured down her eyes as she dances for him, she had been trying

e wished a miracle could happen and someone will co

g to cope all alone without her, since she's the only one that he had

d him so deeply and will do anything for him to be happy, that was why she had decided to wor

she was missing him so badly and wished that all this was just a nightmare and she would wake up from it and see tha

her and when she looked she saw that it was Gidaon holding her by

tries to move away from him, he wouldn't let her and her Vision turned blurry at o


k her away, and he took his cigarette to his lips as

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