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The White Wolf

Chapter 2 The prophecy

Word Count: 683    |    Released on: 21/06/2021


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oddly, he was pacing in my head as if he is saying something is actually wrong, call it werewolves instinct, he was behaving very oddl

efully on the other side of the desk when my wolf become more restless a

e, "alpha we are unde

en and children are sent to shelter including my only daughter Elena she was placed in more

ere keerah, go take s

ogether and die

of her for being brave, she refused to

ide by sid

ed my nose, they are rouges, and another smell hit my nose, "witches", why is the

of the witches comes in with the rogues leader and the witches command a Shadow with the stick she' is holding, their body was pitched black as if they were moving shad

black magic

ite wolf" asks t

f among my pack members

's known has our worst night mare, so bring her out, we must kill her before she grew

would finish my statement the moving pitch dark thing was being con

the witches' clan, so we must kill her now, she must be dead before she could fulfill the moon goddess wishes

ave the world and my clan

my beloved mate and queen laying on the f

crazy and howling in pains as he was seeing

in pains as I shifted to my large wol

they never surrender, but un

or n

d and enjoy

ur comments on the comments s

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