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The White Wolf

Chapter 6 Omega

Word Count: 660    |    Released on: 04/07/2021

living room, ever since I refuse to be alpha

the living room., I am afraid of being hurt again by him, he and his Luna were cuddling each

e food is ready, I serve it and put it in a tray with juice beside it as I made my way back to the living room,

loudly at me, when he s

l the food I made, fall in the process, he is clearly anno

mach and punching my beautiful face, I knew I could have some broken ribs and swollen

f food and nutri

the alpha punch, I screamed as he slam my body deep i

emanding I should go clean the food mess I made or I will get ano

ains and blood was coming out from my cuts, I heard giggles from the living room and I know it's

I wish I found my mate soon,

hen to prepare another food and deliver it to the aplha door step, then I went back to the kitchen , I scrubbed t

then , my stomach growled and my m

ing hell and made me live in the pack worst basement along with

in the dumps I call a

I sneak into the lake that is

I could heal the scars , the alpha and his pack members like to take their ange

r Omega , we were all treated equally, I miss my paren

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