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The White Wolf

The White Wolf

Author: moonbunnie

Chapter 1 Elena

Word Count: 993    |    Released on: 21/06/2021




: Moon

6@gmail.com, I answ


about the

me powerful witches claim the life of her father's and all of her pack members forcing her to become a rog

tains scenes of violence and sexual act

ns a very strong mature

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always loved the dark night, and I am obsession with the full moon,

girl my mom has taught

w they are the most

up to meet my mate. To love h

keerah Smith. Our pack is the second of the strongest pack in the world, my wolf Aria is pure white with golden eyes, it

eyes, it's look so beautiful while my mother's wolf was a silver wolf with a sliver pairs of eyes, being the only

t I wanted, cars, grades

their body is physically able to handle the pains, the first shift is the most painful one, you

olves, I shifted fast at the age of 12, it was horrible but wi

al, your wolf is pure

erstand why the moon goddess allo

large unlike a normal wolf, and she was very friendly,


King R

e off

fist was tangled in my hair as I looked so tir

call me ruthless and blood thirsty animal, some call me cruel and merciless, I don't care of my scary reputation given by people, I was only cruel and mercilessly to people who stood on my way, I am yet to find my mate, I have always wanted my true mat

she is my warriors pack member also known as my whore and bed partner, she has been so clingy on me this day's telling me to make her my queen, my wolf Ray hates her and her idea of making her our queen, he loves our mate a

nows about this bitch you are keeping and fucking with, she's

I get to met our mate, she will be our first prio

hope she won't ha

ay, !!!! I sna

es of violence and sexual activity

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