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The White Wolf

Chapter 4 Alpha

Word Count: 607    |    Released on: 28/06/2021


all the paperwork I have been doing, wh

ome in"

omes my wolf ra

on me, kissing me and tryi

g my alpha tone making her shiver in fe

forgive me, she p

what can I do for you? I ask, questioning h

nted to give you some pleasure, I want to pleases yo

something more important than pleasure, so now you c

uicks run ou

h in one hand in my hair, all t

g out rogues or trespasser, they are killed on spot, so with my horrible re

I got up from my chair and pulled the paperwork into the heap, I grabbed the documents that needed to

documents need to be send out

ink me if I am needed, I will be tak

h floor of the pack hous

cated at the end

Ashley and young

first floor while my sister lives at th

infatuated by her and never wanted to leave her s

be able to wrapped him up that much that he s

erstand till I found my mate, I w


he d

was paralysed I have not fel

and it's pitch dark down here, it's was the pack dungeon, it's the worst nightmare of ever


ns dwell all over my body whe

nce in his office now, ge

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