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Fallen Moon

Chapter 3 A Warning

Word Count: 3029    |    Released on: 03/07/2021

r old child was able to. The amount of strength and skill he had to have just to reach such a feat. That shoul

had to be a mistake. Lord Grimm had no right to punish him. Even if he could punish him. There's no way he would-,"Alejandro was to be killed for protecting his mother." No, that can't be. He was j

head. "After witnessing what their son was capable of at such a young age. They had to ask Lord Grimm to give their son a chance to prove hims

ned next?"

hat he wanted to be the one to punish the boy. Lord Grimm agreed," Raven and Claire exchanged glances at each other. "Lycan sought to fight Alejandro to the death. The son of a Lord against a servant boy." It

ld beat him then," She shook her head. "That doesn't make sense, if Alejandro is stronger than Lycan

r. He couldn't let his precious son be upstaged by a mere servant boy. So, he used his title as King to give his

choice, could be that he was cheated, it could be anything." He stared up at the stars. "I do know, when A

but even so, it was a threat on his son's life. Lord Grimm wanted to have him killed for treason." Alejandro was only tryin

m accepted and Alejandro had to watch as his parents were killed in front of him." He finished. "You might think that none of that matters. But it d

's son, he should have. The Lord killed his family in front of him." She crossed her arms. "Nobody would blame him." Hell, if she were put i

. The only way he could have walked out of that situation alive. He had to become friends with Lycan." She leaned inward. "Is that really wha

tucked his hands into his pockets. "We weren't there to see the birth of our pack. Jayson and I," He voice softened. "We

ard him speaking harshly of both her and her sister. He told his father that mere half bloods like them didn't belong in his p

rced with a single gold skull piercing. The light of the night sky gleamed across his tanned skin. He remained loyal to the werewolf tradition. His shirtless body was like a

just couldn't stand having her in his pack. The poor guy must be throwing a temper tantrum. "Their unwanted presence." He shifted his focus ba

at about?" C

ed. "Lycan doesn't mind indulging him. They sort of run the pack together seeing as this pack is their greatest ac

ht." The tone of the Alpha's voice became serious. His ey

He wasn't one to tolerate interruptions. Jay placed his hand on her shoulder. He sl

ght." Lycan proceeded. "We are to remain here at

advantage and charge in. We could cut Lord Alexander's forces down by at least half." His eyes remained in eye contact with Lycan. "We w

d up to Jay. "The war is at a crucial point even the slightest mistake could mean our death. We have no way of knowing what those leeches have prepared for us.

on. This is why," Lycan paused for a moment. His eyes wandered each and every member of his pack. "The order stands, report to your caves. I d

talk." She walked up to her dreaded leader. Claire remained by her side. Raven knew her sister well enough

ion doesn't concern you." Claire went to argue but Raven touched her

urged him to stand. "You know as well as I do." He stared into his eyes. "If you don't report to your cave." H

g nice to-. She felt the power of the backside of his hand collide with her face. The impact was great enough to knock

like he intended to crush her arm. "Second," He growled at her. "You are to refer to me as Leader or Alpha, I will not have the werewolf code broken by some snobby bitch." He jer

You can beat the shit out of me all you want. I will never answer to that name." Her eyes stared deep into his in sheer ang

t was like the mere thought of saying her name annoyed him. She was be

an to draw his fist back to strike her again. "Leader Lycan," She added in a sn

mere sight. "My father and I," He crouched down picking up a handful of dirt. "We had a rather," He slowly put ou

has hated her since the day he laid his eyes on her. Their hatred for each other has always be

h a woman. Every future king needs a bride and he seems to think that." His feet stopped. "You would make for a"befitting" wife." He chuckled. "It's absurd, like I'd eve

, she is just an ordinary werewolf. There are hundreds of female werewolves just like her. Let one of them

to insult her. "This quality is something that must be present in my Queen. I can't be with a woman who does not demand respect. She must be able to control the room and do so effortlessly. " He rea

ther gives you some dating advice and I'm just supposed to go with it." She glared into his eyes. "Rule under you that's rich," She l

features you possess." Raven cringed as he ran his hands down her arms. "Those remarkable breasts, so nice, so supple." She refused to stand here and let him get stif

to hit him. He wouldn't hesitate to kill her. "Come to my cave tonight," Lycan ran a finger along her lips. "I want

m nowhere near ready to bear any kids." She took a step back. "I'm still getting used to pack rules." Raven added. "I don't understand." She raised her voice. "Why are you pret

is only your body that I loathe. A mere half blood," He let out a light chuckle. "Doesn't interest me." Raven glared into his eyes. "So, yo

into his eyes. "It'll be more fulfilling if you do." She ran her finger acr

ise me," His warm breath touched the side of her neck. "That," He br


s grip sending sharp pains through her body. "Both of you will die," He threatened. "I'll see to it that," He brought his lips clo

Raven wiped her lips off

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