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Fallen Moon

Chapter 5 His heart belongs to someone

Word Count: 7641    |    Released on: 03/07/2021

she isn't a vampire. That could only mean she's still human or-," Ziek's eyes filled with a deep sadness. "We'll find her, whatever

lingered on the stars. "You said that I've changed." He watched as the clouds started to part. "At first," Angel clenched his necklace. "I thought you were referring

their face." That fear, it was what kept him from showing his true self. "Now as a vampire," He stared at his hands. "I longer feel the need to hide." He closed his hands. "I thought this strength I g

d never get to see it." He placed his hand on Angel's shoulder. His pale blue eyes looked into Angel's. "

where that came from. I just knew if I didn't jump over you when Brandon threw you at me b

That was pure instinct." Ziek draped his arm on Angel's shoulder. "Looking back, I never would have thought you had that kind of skill. That

hair spiked back. His pale brown eyes were glaring at Selene. He was dressed in a black leather trench coat with no shirt unde

t like Blaire's other suitors. It didn't take long for them to become friends. He was quick to welcome Angel in with open arms. As

to the harsh rays of the sun without some sort of enhancement. The downside to his ability is the weight of the armor. It causes his speed to drop drastically. His strength more than makes up for

is ear, cutting him off. "Let me finish." He screamed. "I was going to take that

her arms. "I know exactly what you were trying to do. Why do I

he glared at him. "Only a bitch would stop me from setting up a prank on Jayden." Selene rolled her eyes. "You know, y

all me a bitch all you want but," She ran her fingers across his spiky brunette hair. "I'm still the boss and the boss says no. I'm gla

Selene rolled her eyes. He just igno

" Ziek began but Br

raped his arm on Ziek's shoulder. Selene tapped her foot in frustration. Angel shook h

hould-," Angel tried to

It's not cool," He added. "Besides you're safe bro. If a werewolf comes for ya, I'll punch it in the face." That's not the point,

r that sparring session we had." He put his hands in the pockets of his coat.

e do need to talk about that. You do realize that you threw me at Angel by acciden

He punched his hand. "I mean yeah, he'd break a few bones but he'd heal up." He can't be serious. Angel shook his

f his neck. "You do realize that not

ld have chewed my ass out if he got crushed. But, he dodged so we're good." Aside from the fact, if by chance Ziek had of crashed into Angel. He would've been badly hur

arms. "Oh, wait," He stopped him. "Yeah, I remember that conversation. You were talking about how awesome

ter to check on you, I was scared, man. You weren't moving. She gave you some meds. You were saying all kinds of weird shit." Ziek shook

talking about Z

as medicated." He scolded him. "Hell, I don't even know what I said," He pointed at himself. "Let's just drop it." Angel busted o

ded a team name and I got it. Bro, you're strong, I'm strong. We're strong and together we are Team

s with him. "Just so you know." He rested his arms across his chest. "That team name is

ng to stick." Brand

s also tasked with helping humans adjust to the life of a vampire. He only had a few sessions with her. Most of which, he never said a word

ck choker around her neck that had a pink butterfly design on it. She also had a pair of butterfly earrings to match. Both were gifts from her boyfriend. She dressed in a

some but that only goes so far. The two of them could hardly stand each other, Patience is what Selene liked to call the pretty one. Though, She has way more to offer than just

st Class. Someone who can heal fatal wounds, wounds that if not treated right then and there the victim could die. This person has to be able to heal at a moment's notice. Second nature even. They can also inflict paralysis which is the only combat skill healers can use. The reason paraly

le blue eyes. He had a tattoo of two swords crossing over a shield on the right side of his neck. He wears a black shirt with a skull on it. Over it, he wore a button up shirt that was

sible way Scythe could have saved his life was to turn him. Once he did, Jayden had no choice but to side with the vampires. His transition is so recent which is indicated by his

silver hair stained by crimson. This was Jayden's first time feeding on a human. Angel could recall his first time, not

ted in the pocket of Brandon's coat. "We may be related but we are nothing alike." Patience reached into Brandon's pocket taking the blood pack. She began

en a napkin to clean himself up. "Anyway," She put her hands on her hips. "The real problem here is," She ran her fingers through her

lf. I'm so jealous of a girl that's built like a damn toothpick." She spoke her voice filled with sarcasm. "Mayb

r younger brother Brandon. "Let's head back to the castle together." Brandon replied with a nod. She tossed Angel a small bag full o

the moon. Angel knew she cared for her sister, her brother, everyone in the team. She just refused to show it. Selene was just too afra

be able to open up one day, he just hoped it was sooner than later. Not like he was one to talk, he struggled with his feelings just as much

way to enter the vast fields around the castle was to enter a cave. This cavern is set up like a dark labyrint

went to mid back. Her pale brown eyes were glaring right at him. She was dressed in a black leather jacket tha

he took the man biting onto his neck. She drained the life out of him in mere seconds. "I told you," She wiped the blood from her lips. "I wanted your ass back here befor

track of time an

ped her fingers. "Dispose of him," The servants took the lifeless body away. Angel prepared to leave. "I didn't say you could leave yet, dearest." He cringed at the word. "You s

he thought he would be afraid but this time he wasn't. "There's no need for that Lord Alexander," His eyes shifted towards the Vampire

that cage. The steel iron bars, the concrete floor stained in blood, and the corpses that lied on the floor. Lives, Angel had to take i

gan to turn. "I was able to provide you with immense pleasure." She ran her finger across his lip. There was no pleasure found in that cage, what Blaire did to him was v

him in that way. Angel intended to save his innocence for someone else. "Lord Alexander," He faced the Vampire Lord's throne. "Your daugh

nger. "I will not allow you to offer yourself over to any man. You are my daughter. I refuse

yours. That includes this," He pointed at his heart, "and this," He pointed at his crotch. "You're not t

e you with a grandchild." She turned to face her father. "A new heir for the throne. That's his role as my future husband is it not?" She questioned. "You can't deny him his right to provide a powerful h

y to provide a future heir. Or is my lineage not to your liking." He didn't answer. "You are to lay with my daughter tonight and start working t

d her. Her red lips drew close to his ear. Her hands took hold of him keeping him c

expect to be bedridden tonight," She started to rub his heft sack. Angel caught her hand stopping the action. "Think you can handle that." Blaire jerked her hand free of his grasp. "Oh," Blaire smirked.

a powerful acid were eating at his flesh. This substance is…holy water. While it rested in his blo

s fighting with the pain coursing through his body. His eyes watching as the doors to the throne ro

pires drown their sorrows and mourn their losses. For him, this was a place for surrender. He took a seat at the bar stool just as he did every n

. Though, Angel wouldn't know. He's never used methods like this to hide his pain. This drink, Angel knew if he took even one drink, there's no way he'd stop. He wouldn't stop until

another one of her therapy sessions. She wasn't going to get anything out of him. His pain belonged inside a bottle locked tight. "I figured since you refuse to see me, I'd come

ass. "He wants me to start acting like her future husband and allow her to bear my child. I haven't been with anyone in a sexual sense. I was hoping to preserv

ke rejection well. It's why the commander is always her future husband, he never gets a choice." She explained. "I'm guessing you intended to save yourself for another woman. Is that why you don't want to have sex with her?"

hand on his neck. He could still feel a faint burn from the injection. His curses wouldn't return until morning. "In my current state, she could steal my innocence

ease. I have already tested it on myself." She glanced over at the guy standing in the back of the bar. Angel remembered him as her boyfriend. "It'll work, I wasn't about to let

?" He put the vial of medicine in his pocket. Her eyes turned to face h

now I finally get it. That drink," Patience pointed at the glass. "It symbolizes everything you don't want to be. You aren't the guy that drinks his troubles away. You don't hurt

u fight and you don't let her win. At the end of the day, you don't break. That's the Angel I know," She chuckled playfully. "See, we onl

to be treated the way she treats you. I hope one day Blaire realizes that." She patted Angel's shoulder. "Now do me a favor," Patience winked

er slid him another drink. "Much appreciated." He paid for the drinks taking his leave. While he was walking towards Blaire's ro

Her slender body was laced in a thin silk nightgown. The strap over her right shoulder draped low, revealing more of her chest.

e defile one another." She brought her lips close to his. "We could share a toas

She placed her hand on her hip. "Whatever," She shrugged. "You're fina

a drink holding the glass to her red lips, chugging it. "Blaire," He set his glass on her night stand. "There's something we need to

a death glare. Angel was no match for her without his curses. He couldn't compete with her in physical combat. Blaire had the

nderstand you don't want to wait but," Angel ran his finger through her

his lips. "You're afraid to have a good time with the hottest girl you'll ever fuck." She is indeed a woman to be lusted after. Though, after all the pain she put him through, he wouldn't feel any attraction to her. T

he has sex?" The wedding was only a couple days away anyway. It wouldn't be a long wait but it at least spared his innocence for a little

I'd like to know," She placed her hand on her chest. "Who said you," She pushed him, Angel's body crashed into her dresser. "H

shoulders pinning her against the wall. "When," Blaire smirked at him. "All that matters is me." She swiftly kicked Angel in the balls. He arched over gripping his aching groin. "I don't give a damn about you,

fter being struck with what felt like a powerful club. "I always get what I want," She rested on his lap, Angel fought to move. His body still ached from bei

wly down from his nipples heading towards his toned abs. Her index finger traced the well-drawn treasure trail leading her to his. "I can't do this." She swatted his hands as he tried to stop her from jerking at his jeans. She grabbed his wrists forcing him onto the mattress

him with much pleasure. The way she caressed his heft balls, she treated them as if they were a precious pair of gemstones. Angel hitched a light grunt, oh man, he's getting hard. He tried to not think about it but she knew she had him. "Oh yes, that's it,

aled breasts. His vampire teeth sunk into her neck tasting her blood as his hands fondled her. Her hands gripped his hungry sides pushing his clo

to her taut stomach, tasting her graspable hips. He wedged his sharp vampire teeth into the fabric of her panties. He skillfully slid her panties down her figure with his teeth tossing them aside. He started to remov

s finger. "More, ah, yes," Blaire let out a loud moan as another finger took entry. "Oh, Angel," She grabbed his waist, lowering his boxers. Blaire's lustful eyes stared at his tr

thirsted after his cock. It was like she thought of it as the ultimate skeleton key. He kn

ulinity. Her finger ran up and down his inches. "It's much better than I imagined in that cage." She grabbed the back of his neck forcing their lips together. He was certain of t

hip moving her into his fingers claiming her innocence at last. Blaire legs spread out as her head arched. Angel took hold of her legs taking his length pushing into her. The second thing, Ange

mpulsive, he couldn't stop it. There was just no way to describe the way it felt to have his dick buried deep inside her. The sweet sensation, oh yes, fuck yes. "Fuck me Angel, oh yes," She wrapped her arms around him, her r

hands, throwing her body into him. "Uhnn, yes," He pressed his lips against hers. His stomach coiled, muscles tightened, so much pleasure. He fought to contain it. The bed c

but when he fucked her. He felt as if he were in control, he felt empowerment beyond belief. Her lips begged for him, for release.

he wasn't sure if he could but. He would try his damnedest to ensure, he made her feel his rage with every thrust. Angel grabbed her hi

t, his bottled up pain building and building till it was ready to burst. This sweet aroma, they had created, like a drug. It forced his powerful hips into her again and again. Angel held her hips tight, the b

ckered in his mind. The bottle poured out with every thrust he fed her his euphoria. His rhythm started to fade into weak taps. That w

began to kiss his chest as he pulled the blankets over him. "I can't wait for us to play together again," Angel laid his head on the pillow. Great, he was expected to do this again.

your virginity." He explained. "Besides," He checked beneath the sheets. He was told that Vampires don't

y you handled it." She pressed her lips agai

th her. He hated her so much, how could he enjoy having sex with her? No, it had nothing to do with her. He didn't enjoy her, no he enjoyed the freedom. For a moment, the pain he felt inside was gone. If only this pain

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