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Fallen Moon

Chapter 4 When were you Human

Word Count: 2538    |    Released on: 03/07/2021

in blistering flames. Screams echoed in the distance. The members of the army fanned out feastin

uckle. He wore a pair of distressed blue jeans and black converse shoes. His pale hazel eyes stared at the graves as he marked them with three curses. The curses were all

led before the graves

d his most prized possession. It was a platinum ring which he kept attached to a chain around his neck. The front of the ring was shaped like an enraged wolf head. The

er of her neck. Her slightly pale skin was covered by white long sleeved shirt with a cropped black shirt resting over it. She wore di

his feet. "There's not much time left

those clouds will part and a full moon will dawn on them.

" She crossed her arms. "It's none of my business

vial and tossed into the air. "Give the signal?" She caught the vial showing litt

r. His eyes lingered on the parting clouds only for a

e vial shattered unleashing a violent explosion. The entire night sky began to ignite in a da

his student." Strange, that was supposed to be a secret. Then again, the Vampire Lord's daug

replied. "My only request is that you keep it that way. You know as well as I do. What will happen i

he ran her thumb across her throat. "Blaire will see to it that her spot on her father's throne is secure." She ran her finge

"It's not even true, Blaire is getting the throne. It's her birthright, Lord Alexander p

aughter gets that kind of recognition." She let out a sigh. "I'm still not even sure why he thinks you're so special." She stared into Angel's

He explained. "Besides, if you want answers." He walked up to her. "You're going to have to answer a few of my questions." He crossed his arms. "You could have told me

hing." She leaned against a tree. "It doesn't matter how much stronger I am than him. It doesn't matter how much knowledge I have over the position. I still place second. Second, never first," She shook her head

n her shoulder. "I don't want to be," This team, they are the closest thing he was ever go

." She pointed out. "Unlike them," She stared into his eyes. "You don't just assume authority a

ny of this." He glanced over at her. "Was I really that bad during the introductions?" Selene la

o his team." She glanced over at him. "I try to do it from a distance. It's much safer that way," She reasoned. "He's les

ed bangs stopped just before reaching his pale blue eyes. He often wore a solid black muscle shirt to show off his well built physique. He had on black leath

friend Erika. The proof of his lineage rested on the left side of his neck. He had a tattoo of a raven wit

cord that landed him in high demand. Even though he hung up the gloves when his sister moved in with him. His reputation precedes h

g until the fight is over. He's even found a way to significantly increase the results. It's as simple as taking a deep breath and focusing. That ability combined with his natural skill. It's no wonder, Lord Alexander claims him as

revealing his toned abs. On his back, he keeps three swords sheathed, two crossing and a katana kept in the center. He has a black dragon tattoo swirling around his left arm. He wears black leather fingerless gloves. His

Lord Alexander's favorite game. He beat him and being a man of his word, Lord Alexander agreed to let him join the war. Now, he is one of the most dangerous assa

of wind. He cuts the dirt, he can make a sandstorm. He cuts flames, well, now, he can wield them. The most and by far the most dangerous is when he

othersome glare. "Take that Scythe," He went to punch him again but Scythe casually caught his fist like it was noth

as that easy for him to do. This is not going to go over well, he just hurt Ziek's pride. "Oh, I must have." He

. "Me," He pointed at himself. "Training grounds, ten

g cloth from his pouch. Ziek's feet stopped and he turned to face Scythe. He balled his hands into fists as his ang

arms. "So I'm going to give you a chance to fix it. Al

would understand." Ziek glared into his eyes. Great, he just insulted Ziek's intelligence, this just got bad. "When you cut someone they bleed." He explained. "You see so if I were to cut you with my sword

d that I got here before you." He pointed at him. "Know what Scythe," He put his hands in

xcuse me but I must speak with the commander." He walked past Ziek who's eyes were glaring at

qual. "Forgive me," He apologized. "I have an important task to do for a dear friend." This dear friend, it's

village. "I'll be right back." He figured she was referring to her siblings mainly Brandon

klace. "The day my sister left to be famous," He walked closer to him. "Did you…miss her?" He lau

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