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Helplessly in love

Chapter 2 A quest for a wife.

Word Count: 1298    |    Released on: 16/07/2021


rcing eyes of the young man. With a huff, I grabbed my bag and got out o

nding in front

re a

ither the bike store or did he

epeated running my

eyes and knocked on the gate. An older man wh



gate for me? What

as yelling. I heaved a sigh

e day's off, I wou

into the mansion. The mansion

e walked in together i

me hom

s and kissed him on the cheek. She l

a'am" I gree

d him ignoring my greeting a

e unimp

and walked over to t


led m

ight to the point,


o him. She sat down beside hi

stated briefly. He removed

ight to the po

how you do it, I want a grandchild" I don't kno

t have a bab

. Someone to call my son's w

get married. This has always be

d stan

?,is it Anna?. " she a


mother and her son. Well, rich people

nd look into h

their fucking busines

mom, mention her n

ned st

outside. I waited for a long time outside befo

ollowing me?"

e that. I want you to acknowledge


we had

own and lo

ney to your bank acco

car and drove

he get my acco


our plan?

rated to her my encoun

on my account. I counted out my savings and the m

the money"I f

if he refuses to take

infront of h

ook he

you ge

om. "I don't know the address to the estate

on't want to walk under the sun and come back wi

thing about him a

led qu

s his


an A


know." Sh

's fu

sprang up to he

you actin

s so many businesses and has a lot of co

very popular dude. He has assets and companies under his name. The Adams family were very ri

wan all the time so i've hea

She asked showing me

is is the ha

ing the phone

've been crushing on

u talked with him?


yes and retur

omes back" I finally told her and checked my time. It was past 12 in the afternoon. I looked

ee Rowan Ada

ook my head sadly. If onl

s A

fice and walk over t

e for awhile a

g into my office,Mo

at i wan

do you

ething yesterday and since then,

pect me to do

door opened s

etary wa

ere to see you" T

ng h

me. I glared back at h


o see who he wa

girl stood as they look

you intruded my privacy

dy ans

was going on

e to see Rowa

you enou

thout my

oked at me and smiled. I smiled back and watched

beg on the streets, and we cater very well for ourselves."She c

say you were


omeone like you ever

wing her fri

dn't help but m

g that i wasn't giving

u want to make me get a wife, fine. Find a lady and I w

found your match".

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