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Helplessly in love

Chapter 3 Introduction to a marriage proposal

Word Count: 940    |    Released on: 16/07/2021


taring at the money in front of me. I had called

h..why that look?" H

e a look"

to me and look

ney" He says cro

e girl w

looked a little

ught you pay

ly returned t

gave her that much

wants to show off with n

amusing, no gir

nge r

he's dif

't know, it was always

e. And now i regret e

I called you anyway." I mumbled and started looking i


him dishing out food for customers. He saw me

, sir" I a

t noticed walked up to us. I've not seen

the customer

he carried the p


ed, young lady. Your service is no longer

laced. How could he, do that without a notice?

tedly out of h

gone to Mr. grumpy's gallery shop and they had

Leaving two jobs in a day. How will I break the news

ked us to sack you, when we de

re was mor

he like?

essenger sent

coffed. "How di

but I heard him answe

umpy. " I sig

y have anything


d salad for dinner. I was thinking of how to break the

roblem?" Fina

bled still star


looked at her and noticed she was tr

g to say" We bot

She ur

today, like t

from the cup, and then she kept

ave you

t. I arrived at work today and they gave me

he narrowed her brows. "what

now that" I snapped. She gla

poon, and rela

our food and did a lot of thinking together. That



re. A rich woman" She


een you severely, and she wants

were almost popping

eating regularly and now, the only source is gone

ing me to get married at th

till do this fo

. I can look for something to do

t just become rich over night

aria and i'll look f

sacks you lik

n the conversation an

walked into my roo

any heartbreaks from dad, she had th

married and experience the same thing. Like wtf...how am I suppose

ing critically until i l

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