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Helplessly in love

Chapter 5 Tricked into begging her

Word Count: 1074    |    Released on: 16/07/2021


mom anywhere. I met Miriam com

want to talk to y


morning. She had herself locked up in her roo

r door. I heard a sob and began knocking and pushin

ted the key and pushed the door open. What I saw in the room left my mouth hanging open. Her room has been kept ups

helped her sit up as she rested her head on my chest. "Mom, what'


have I don

nts me to have a gra

ve Aubrey. She's ever ready t

Mom. You're acting strange. What are you do

ppened?. I'm sorry f

d at me. "Aubrey has


towards her without apologizi

n she said that?"I

marry Aubrey.

she re

other girl. I want Aubrey" She whimpered


waited patiently for Zoe to serve the meal

ama queen. She's really

Kyle sit opposite her and started dishing out food for us. "But, uhm..she's right. Rowa

o yourself." I said



s important to him, he'd be

eg Aub. This is impor

me back and grabbed my clothe.

arely made out to the next day, leave my clothe alone." I shouted. Proven stubborn, we started drag

e owner of the voice. Isla stands with her mou

and didn't say a word to him. "Let's go, Isla." I dragged

my helmet. "Rey. Your fiance is here." I

a's door. A young girl opens t

ith a mug, standing behind.

u, Aubrey. Your servic

Marie. I'm sorry, please" I shouted and continued hitting on the door. "Lea



walk to my door and opened it. I saw mom on the cushion d

th a glint of happiness in her eyes

om. All thanks to you and you." I pointed at each one of them

se. It has become from one problem to another with my mom. We almost quarrel everyday, ate once in a day, at times

and mom pops in her

he steps in and closes it behind.

I raised my head,

smiled. "And it doesn't mean I'm not letting you

i promised to give

way of giving me

an Adam is the richest ma

I despise so much isn't th

ome out dressed for a lunch with him, if you do

is now?" She ignored me,

won't w

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